MediacomCHAD lays down the law on autists who are assblasted that the cable company dared to interrupt the latest episode of Big Bang Theory (or whatever mongs watch on TV in the current year + 3) to inform them of severe weather

7  2019-06-21 by BernieMadeoffSanders


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  1. MediacomCHAD lays down the law on a... -,

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Anona10af @172.15.204.x

Last night was ridiculous....trying to watch the final episode of "bang" and the EAS warning interrupted several times. Worst part is, after the obnoxious beep, the TV automatically goes to a Spanish channel and we have to watch soccer for 5 minutes. This is not acceptable! What can we do to get this stopped?

Imagine literally being able to maintain your safety from a Tornado, but you had to watch 5 minutes of soccer in Spanish so you decide it's not worth it.

They should allow those people to disable it so they get killed imo

centrist take they should just send them warnings for anywhere in the US except where they live

I'd rather die than watch soccer. 🇺🇸

instsnt 5 minute Allah

Shes just based and hatepilled.