I'm gunna blatantly yell at the fish as I bait my hook.

15  2019-06-21 by ManBearFridge


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Don't be coy (heheh, get it, it's a type of fish)

Fishing for some Truss tang I see.

Wait...someone tussy pilled fill me in. How long has this person been transitioning? She can’t be more than what, like 18-20?

I skimmed her post history. Based on one of those, she started transitioning about seven months ago.

Honestly more passing than any chapo I have ever seen that’s crazy guessing used blockers.

I'm not here to fish, I'm just drinking beer and drowning worms.

Looks like that momo challenge chick on the right.


Giving kids vidya causes them to become troons

Oh wow another trans commie, what a shock! 😴😴😴

Dude looks like Adam Lanza with that stupid fucking face.

She unironically posted on a sub called nothowgirlswork. Amazing.