Fuck the English

15  2019-06-21 by Richard__Mongler

Scots and Irish get a pass since they're just as angry and retarded as glorious America. But those fucking faggot englandcels are the SRD of the first world. Way too smug and way too into their own shit despite being drooling diaper baby retards


Seriously fuck england and all of their 30000 accents. You island of inbred dipshits

"Stupid Amerifags cant stop shooting each other lmao." I triumphantly proclaim as I get arrested for unlawfully harboring a bread knife.

I smell papist scum.

Nothing in the world is worse than Protestants. We need a second Albigensian Crusade to deal with this menace.

Smothing Shim Shmin Sme Smorld Smis Smorse Sman Protestants.

Get fucked.

t. Your Lord and Protector.

Scots and Irish are unironicaly the niggers of white people

Better a white nigger than a bong.

Fats mad (x24)

Oh dear, someone seems upset.

Only thing worse than a brit is a canadian

The English are already on their way out so there's nothing to be mad at, tbqfbbqlgbtqlmao