SRDine compares r/frenworld to Umbridge from Harry Potter, gets told to read another book

64  2019-06-21 by Sadie347


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  1. SRDine compares r/frenworld to Umbr... -,,

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“Logical person” you’re not Vision

mentions capeshit


This is my favorite snappy quote


I like how “nigger” is censored in that comic

mentions capeshit


well duh, its a word of death

Lazerbot’s brain may not function like those of other human beings, but he’s not some sort of monster who would use the N-word without being given a pass.

It's an unforgivable curse.

I'm counting down toward the next frog ban they make it so easy

What is with all these fucking commenters going "Read another book" or acting like Harry Potter is some obscure juvenile reference?

"My children's book reference is not juvenile!"

So fucking glad I moved on from hairy butthole like 10 years ago god damn

When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

Heh... guess you're the real manchild now.

When I became a man

same poster also posts in /r/atheism and all sorts of weird rpg vidya game subs

CS Lewis was based but I hate how many redditors use that quote to justify obsessing over nothing but children's shit all day every day.

Umbridge is the perfect caricature of a petty bureaucrat. What does that have to do with frenworld? It's not even a good comparison. I'd tell them to read another book but it's clear they didn't understand Harry Potter, so why have them waste effort on anything more challenging? If you're going to be the sort of twat that makes Harry Potter references at least get the references right. Jesus Christ, Becky, you're not a Hufflepuff, you're illiterate.

The SRDine is willfully misinterpreting Umbridge's character, it does so in an attemt to avoid confronting the fact that it is the being that most resembles her.

Henry Potter is the straight, white, male star of the football team who has unprecedented wealth, power and fame that he did nothing to earn. He then becomes a cop after he graduates. This is somehow a deeply relevant set of stories for late 20s lefties.

It’s infuriating. Not to sperg about it, but that character literally had the backing of the government to become a teacher, right? How the fuck is that related to rightoids talking about nazi frogs?

I thought the whole reason people didn’t like the character was because she would jam you up just because she could, not because she browsed r/wholesomememes.

The past couple years I've noticed the normalization of bigotry aimed at youth. Basically coatailing youth internet culture to inject hate. Things like "thot" used heavily because "slut" is frowned upon, but the older generation doesn't get that it has the same meaning. All the niBBa crap. And then frenworld where you feel "included" by interacting with the "community."

It's like fucking Hilter's Youth, but being done online and the parents don't realize it.

Oh my god shut up faggot

Uhhh snapppy please I'm gonna cummmmm

This reads like the demiurge incantation meme.

It's "KGB's demoralization" for the left.

post pic of underwear in mouth and bussy on forehead and ill add it to snappy

But your not a mod anymore.

whatever helps u sleep at night 🙄🙄🙄

Jesus, why are they so scared of autistic baby-talking rightoid-nazi’s. Nazi’s thinking they’re clever by using baby-talk and the left getting unironically spooked by it, truly shows radical centrism is the only way.

They are too weak mentally. That's why the far right has a monopoly of violence while the far left cannot pull off more than throwing a milkshake.

Accio another book!

The Harry Potter obsession is so bad with certain middle class mayos that Harry Potter English Majors are a thing. I've known several liberalartscels (mostly gussy) whose love of HP was the determining factor in choosing English lit. As if being an English major needed to be any more pathetic.

My favorite part was when he assumed anyone making fun of the Harry Potter reference was alt right lol

The comparison would be fine if it made sense

frenworld was gay

read another book

never let a SRDine

off the hook

What an insufferable faggot, with 900 upvotes to, srd is a liberal circlejerk masquerading as a drama sub.

If you can read that thread and still feel good about frenworld being banned, you need to stay in SRD