Who has it worse? The manlet or the translet?

41  2019-06-21 by charming_tatum


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Who has it worse? The manlet or the... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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2007- cringey emo on MySpace prentending to be bisexual

2019- cringey emo on tik tok pretending to be nonbinary

I’d never thought I’d live to see such progress .


Privet bratan

Bully early. Bully often.

bullying would just make a person like this even worse

Nah, suicide would be an improvement

I'm not talking about suicide I'm saying they'll fall deeper into their idiocy because these days "oh i'm being bullied that just means i'm special and cool" not "i need to change"

That's not what happens for most kids. Most kids fall in line after a while because tribalism is ingrained in humans and will overpower childish retardation.

You don't know kids these days

I feel honored to be here. Let me first say that I identify as a billy goat and you will treat me as such.

Goats are cute too.

They identify as a male, so he’s a boy.

I am not pissed about people considering them a boy.

I am pissed that people actually think they made a logical point here.

it's called being decent human being sweatie

mfw OP thinks a man's front hole makes him a women


is that's a boy then call me a major homo because I want to fuck it (as long as they're above legal age of course)

Is there a limit on what people will accept? At what point do people throw up their hands and say "enough"?

Statistically it’s the tran

The manlet for sure, the translet has already accepted the fact they'll never be a real man so they transitioned, manlet is still trying to cope and pretend he'll be a man some day.

Bend over and I’ll insert my manhood.

I know you have trouble getting laid because of your height but rape isn't the answer sweaty, even if I'd enjoy it.

*sweety ya fucking retard!

Uhm, no, sweaty is the correct spelling.

There's no shame in asking your teacher for a higher chair if you can't see what she's writing, it'll help your education!

So you’re calling me short and I sweat? Do these “cut downs” normally offend? You’re precious.

I aim low so the jokes don't go over your head.

I dunno if you're offended but you keep replying so you're definitely interested, also you replied to me first sooooo 🤷‍♂️


manlets seething

Just a proof that height has a direct correlation to self esteem. If only manlets directed their impotent rage on working out instead of angrily clicking the downvote button - though I guess even that's better than going full Elliot.

attn all manlets: transition. it worked for me.

Based, trans cutie > bitter manlet.

Though I'm not so sure too many manlets would reach the cutie status, and hit the discord tranny status instead 🤔

This dumb cunt deleted the post yet throws up others mocking a guys looks because he’s balding. /ErikaSanders is a piece of shit hypocrite.

I just stalked your profile and you sound like a fucking incel. Get a hobby, degen.
