One /r/worldpolitics randomly submits an /r/antiwork meme and everyone is mostly confused as fuck as to why it's even there

61  2019-06-21 by SubjectEgg


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. One /r/worldpolitics randomly submi... -,

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Give it up folks, einstein over here has something to say. What's that buddy? Wha- A grammatical error?!? WHAT?!? B... Bu... That can't be possible! Surely not! A GRAMMAR MISTAKE? IN MY SIGHT?!? What a great, absolute miracle that you and your 257 IQ Brain was here to correct it! Thank you! Have my grattitude, Actually, What's your cashapp? I'd like to give you 20$... Know what? While we're at it have the keys to my car. Actually, no, scratch that. Have the keys to my house, go watch my kids grow up and fuck my wife. Also, my Paypal username and password is: Ilikesmartazzes4 and 968386329. Go have fun. Thank you for your work.

This feels like the ultimate boomer bantz

Such is life. You live long enough to only eat the pasta.

Surprised I've never seen this one before tbh, I'm definately gonna use it in the future.

This is wrong and fake because PayPal would never allow a password this complicated. Bye sweaty shat myself to own lbs

Every generation feels like this when they are young.

Keep working. Keep fighting day to day to take advantage of the opportunities around you and you will soon find yourself on top.

Generations past have laid down a road map for you so that you do not have to suffer through years of internal turmoil before you find the truth.

Pick up, or download, the Stoic classics. Enchiridion by Epictetus, Letters from a Stoic by Seneca, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

Read the works of Locke and Bastiat.

Adopt the philosophy of a warrior and make individual liberty your cause. Forget yourself and take care of those around you.

Get married if it suits you, and devote yourself to the well being of your partner. Have kids or adopt them and teach them the value of liberty over the oppressive power of the state; while introducing them to the local, free community.

Or forge your own path.

But you have to find, or construct, your own meaning in life to fight for. No one is going to fully convince you of the value of their own odyssey.

Unironically based. Also, true in my experiences. The only people who don't move up in the world are people who got complacent and never learned any valuable skills, and just give the bare minimum effort to get by. If you actually try and make an effort to improve yourself, it's so easy to move up in the world.

Just philosophy max your way to a fat bank

What the fuck is actual good advice doing on reddit?

What sub is this again? Go to /r/lostgeneration if a simple office job is too hard for you.


What the fuck is this retard saying?

I don’t understand why he got so many upvotes

He's saying that being asked to go to work on time and do your fucking job is too hard.

It's not gatekeeping lmao it's the minimum requirements, but commie redditors can't even do that.

It is Gatekeeping, its just Gatekeeping is a requirement for every fucking sub or it turns into a generic shit show.

On one hand I’m currently shitting my brains out in my work places bathroom praying I don’t spread whatever I have because no one could take my place for my shift.

On the other hand I can’t stand the whininess of sone of the lost generation folk and their need to take over every other sub.. I can’t choose who to side with.

I’m not sure

Really sums up the whole thread

Literally rode my motorcycle to work still drunk because I don’t have sick time (we’re given 3 days a year) and calling off would have meant getting fired.

I was in bed by 9. I didn’t even have much to drink. Only had two. I woke up on time, got on the bike, and decided I was not fit to ride.

I can't with these people

they're so full of shit it's incredible. how much of a fucking lightweight would you need to be to get drunk off of two drinks of anything.

also going to bed at 9? does his mom still set his bed time?

Not only get drunk, but still be drunk the next morning after going to bed at 9.

Is it really “capitalism”‘s fault some people are too much of a chicken shit to have a normal interaction with other people? I have social anxiety ffs, I even before meds I had literally zero issues calling in sick and even doing silly shit like telling my boss I’d be working from home because I was hangover.

imagine these people, people to scared to interact with other people, people unable to figure out basic social interactions, somehow not only causing, but surviving la révolution.

okay i really hate to point this out but i dont think anyone had to take (((meds for social anxiety))) before the industrial revolution, they were too busy farming their asses off so they wouldn't die

mental illness didn't exist in the 1800s because people were farmers

hot take from a local genius.

quite literally not wrong, anyone who has these modern problems would've gotten eaten by coyotes faster than you can say "chemical imbalance" and the rest would've gotten the message

so you're saying that people 200~ years ago had different things to worry about than people in modern times?

brilliant deduction, dipshit.

no, you retard, despite life getting infinitely easier people are creating their own crippling horrible problems that literally don't exist

people aren't dying at 30 like in the 1800s so life has no problems and mental illness doesn't exist

mfw i debunk mental illness with logic and facts

people aren't dying at 30 like in the 1800s

they're keeping themselves safe at 30, whether with slit wrists or opioids instead!

so life has no problems

all of the KYSers are privileged teens who are really sad that they stay at home jerking off all day lol

and mental illness doesn't exist

mental illness just refers to 'u think no good', it isn't an ontological concept, it literally just means 'u are not normal thinking wise', it doesn't exist in any deeper sense at all. also modern psychology is pseudoscientific statistical manipulating bs

Literally rode my motorcycle to work still drunk because I don’t have sick time (we’re given 3 days a year) and calling off would have meant getting fired. Lol this is you doing everything wrong... Not your employer I was in bed by 9. I didn’t even have much to drink. Only had two. I woke up on time, got on the bike, and decided I was not fit to ride.

Even if this guy is in stage 4 liver failure that's impossible

honestly i can imagine a redditor, let alone an anti-capitalist redditor of all people being such a lightweight, they fail at everything else why not drinking too


Let's say he has some hellishly early wakeup time for his job. Imagine being such a lightweight/not drinking enough water to still be drunk after going to bed at 9 pm and waking up at 4 am 🤭🤭🤭🤣👆

i swear redditors are allergic to personal responsibility

I just finally got a promotion with barely a dollar raise at work and am finally NOT living check to check because of it.

Imagine even knowing what you make per hour.

it's over for hourlycels

You’d have to be such a colossal fucking retard to ever feel bad for calling in sick