Daddy Shatner has noticed us.

348  2019-06-21 by bleached_ammonia


People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. Daddy Shatner has noticed us. -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

JC strikes again

Why was Shitner banned?

he said trappysaruh > snallygaster 😱

I wouldn't expect anything else from a /b/tard.

Wow. We are banning for truth now? Xpost to r/watchrardditdie.


Most likely from when 90% of the users got banned

did...that mean that William Shatner was a /r/drama subscriber? Lmao

No. Anyone that has ever commented here was eligible. Half the sub now uses alts.

I'd say closer to 90.96%

Someone find his account

Holy shit.

😑 now JC will be insufferable.

Remember when the admins literally who'd him? Good times

to be fair they wouldn't acknowledge something this fucking stupid brought the entire site down (again)

Yet we've gone 203 days since Daddy Notch acknowledged us 😥😞

Notch should be demodded for his refusal to financially support the Minecraft server.

That'll be the reason we give as we take the globalists money

Theres a minecraft server?

Yes. The IP is "".

Link to this?

His last comment on Reddit was 8 months ago.

A true loss

He's probably just posting under a new username. No reason to believe he does anything else with his life.

It’s almost impressive how badly this man has managed to fuck up being a billionaire

How is chilling alone on a mountaintop doing nothing but shitposting and triggering the libs something that constitutes "fucking up being a billionaire"?

According the the Drama Constitution that is living your best life!

he's admits that he does pretty much nothing but play video games and eat candy all day

that's what poor people are supposed to do lol

Yes but can poorcels do it while pissing on diamonds and eating your walls?

Nice, maybe we can finish up the Trek collection and blaster a DS9 actor’s bussy next time.

(((The Founders)))

Honorary Hibernian, as far as your faithful Lord Protector is concerned.

Tell TJ Hooker he was banned for never accepting his mod invite 😤😤😤


Like, seriousposting here. Has William Shatner actually walked among us?

Lmao @ him thinking he's that important. His career is pretty much a joke aside from Star Trek, isn't it?

Well there was also his cover of rocket man.

Rocket, man. Running out of, fuel, up here, alone.

Boston Legal was a pretty popular show that ran for a bunch of seasons.

TJ Hooker was super popular for a few seasons

I understand emotions are running at high tide but let's not say anything we can't take back.

He turned in some ground breaking performances on third rock from the sun.

I mean aside from one of the most iconic media franchises of all time, you're right, he's a joke.

He was already pretty successful in live TV in the 1950s and then he was in the tier to be a guest star in TV episodes in the 1960s, on shows like the Twilight Zone where was on it twice. That alone would make him not a joke.

Success in the 1950s

Relevant enough today for anyone to care


Should we understand unban him?

Already did.


Invite him to be a mod


I'm kind of surprised he wasn't modded before.

Definitely should be invited to be a mod.

Can you unban a few of my accounts

No, daddy gets a pass.

Be William Shatner first.

ban him again

Did he write bussy on his forehead with undies in mouth?

I mean, he probably did at some point in his life.

No but he should

Every story I have heard about him paints as a pretty awful person who is mean to everyone.

So in short definite yes.

if we get banned because of this fucking senile boomer I'll finally go out and ask that gal I've been fancyin

Are we still allowed to ping the admins? Because fuck if this isn't a good way to go.

Your acting career is definitely over when even Drama doesn’t want you. He’s on the Z list of celebrities.

What was or is his username? Did he respond to the ban yesterday?

williamshatner was the username.


Yo don't forget to unban my boy Wil Wheaton if he got caught in the banout as well

He's approved.


As an RPGer, vague Star Trek fan and table top gamer, Wil is something of a legend among my friends, he really just seems like a regular dude who in some cases got dealt a great hand in life and in some cases got a shitty hand too, like most people. There's a fair amount of consideration put in to all his work: if something is wrong he's the first to admit it, his interactions with people on reddit are awesome and doesn't seem stuck up his own butt. If there was a celebrity to win the award for most down to earth and reasonable human being, he would certainly be a contender (the prize would be 5 gold and a party).

I'm probably never going to get to buy the guy a (craft) beer but I sure would like to! But as this is reddit I'll give this a go:

Hey Wil, what's the internet equivalent of buying you a beer?

Don't be a dick, and play more games!


Your acting career is definitely over when even Drama doesn’t want you.

William Shatner's career is immortal, even if he isn't.

I could only agree with you if it was Captain Picard. 😍

Picard wasn't the best captain, he was the ideal captain. He was all about principle and not just doing the right thing, but doing it the right way. Sisko is hands down the best captain, because he would put principle in the back seat to do what was needed to get the job done. He'd feel guilty about it, but he was always more about getting results than ethic and morality. Your principles aren't worth anything if you let shape-shifting tyrants take over your shit. You can go back to high-minded principles when the shooting is done.

I’ll need to take your word for it, I didn’t do DS9. I’d still rather sleep with Picard tho.

Yeah but Captain Kirk was a fucking chad

He was just a womaniser and serious std risk.


Yeah a chad you foid

Nah, he was just a sweet innocent boy. Everyone he falls in love with ends up tragically dead by the end of the episode through no fault of his own, so you can't really call him a womanizer.

I guess that does make him an even worse risk though. 🤔

I was gonna say - you don't get notified of a ban if you've never posted/commented in a subreddit

Mikestoklasabackup BTFO

Based and shatpilled take

not gonna lie, I like this guy already. please unban

He's been unbanned.

Mod him!

Close the borders.

Cause the banout was such a wonderful idea. Great prank. The mods sure as shit showed us that we all can't behave.

Still seething huh?

They made me take a picture of the one Funko Pop I own to get back in here. You're damn right I'm still seething.

Don’t tell ImJustaBagofHammers! He may get a little upset.

Reddit used to be a beautiful place in the 2000's, when Aaron Swartz was still alive... Nobody talks about him anymore, such a shame


Why do plebbitors think that things would've been different if that dude were still alive?

Because all their preferred media focuses on the individual not the sociological so they think individuals are all that matter (super heroes, wizards, Jedis, etc.). They are retarded, lazy manbabies searching for saviors.

He's dead so his opinions are static and they assume that him actually seeing what was going on on reddit in some groups wouldn't change his opinion. It's also real easy to invoke the dead guy and they like to do it when his actual friend kn0nothing does things they don't like.

If he hadn't been killed by Ellen Pao he would have left reddit anyway.

Speaking as your Lord and Protector, I think it's because shatdick is a gay.

Aaron Schwartz is a great thing to bring up to the admins when they anger you. Just say, "Aaron Schwartz would kill himself again if he could see what reddit became."

We need Shanter posting now

Who tf is this

Begone zoomer

Based version of Picard.

I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna ping him.

I’m not encouraging you but consider yourself encouraged.

wow Mods! I think she's encouraging him if you read between the lines!

I would never ever do such a thing. Shouldn’t you be sunbathing.

smdh, I don't want skin cancer.

Factor 30 I guess.

Oh you sweet summer child

Do it you bitch.

this guy retarded

I don't believe anything on that twitter account is written by Shatner himself. Ever since he answered questions about his favorite anime and boards on 4chan.

Billy the Shat has been unbanned. If only we could ping him to return 😭



The power of drama continues to grow.


I me Shatner once. Dudes a dick bag.

Huh? I guess there is irony in that name r/Drama.

Nope. No irony, buddy. Drama is in the name.

lol @ people who said "banning 99.69% of the people is a bad idea"

Lol, the shockwaves from the 90% ban continue.

If Shatner is reading this, thank you being based!

I love Shatner so much, I feel like a faggot.

He's great and all but DeForest Kelley was best cast member

McCoy is a close second.

He's simply the best

I really thought this was a shitpost.

Holy shit he acknowledged this subreddit by name. William Shatner tried to post on this subreddit. Captain Kirk

I don't even know what to say, this timeline we're living in is just too much for me these days

Unban him please. We need Denny Crane on our team.

All the people in the Twitter comments talking to Shatner as if he's their friend is really sad.

this will not stand. this will not stand.. this aggression against space granddaddy

Did he ever contact the mods for his ban?

FYI the drama mods banned 90.69% of the people who had ever commented in the sub a few months back because they're that kind of people. Well, if you can consider internet janitors "people".

It's over for cyborg drama mods.

If I were a jannie I would not feel so bad if """people""" like this called me out.

You banned shatner???

WAIT THIS IS REAL??? Wow my respect for Shatner went like 100x higher than it already was, he even hates jannies!


How could you have ever banned this man? If anything the fact that he wears socks with his sandals shows that he should be a mod!
