As the frenworld fallout continues Subredditcancer has the takes.

29  2019-06-21 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. As the frenworld fallout continues ... -,,

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What is AHS

the most hateful sub on all reddit

Lmao these guys are such fucking losers

Does someone need to get banned?



I mean what are you getting at, retard?

Beep Boop Bleep

Downloading outrage instructions.

No one is outraged

Actually, based on his sperging in another thread, he is lol

my joke didn't work

run NPCplanB.bat

  • hurt

Frenworld fallout is the really juicy.

Idk i thought it would be better, CA ban was definitely the best so far

Damn they're really taking the death of their autistic frog roleplaying forum to heart

Reddit admins are such pathetic, soulless brainlets. To call them dribbling retards would be an understatement. I didn’t really like browsing frenworld very much, especially at the end, but there is no real case to be made that it violated Reddit’s policies. This only happened because the losers whinging all day on ahs/cth and the reddit admins are the same fucking people. In fact, OP is this type of person as well — a pathetic supermod who likely lacks any meaningful personal, professional or academic success to speak of.

Imagine being a progressive and thinking your opinions are super antiestablishment and badass, but then suddenly realizing you are acting exactly the same as the christian conservatives did in the 90’s... and that you hold the exact same opinions as most of the “cultural elite” in the media, hollywood and elsewhere.

I thought frenworld was kind of dumb frankly, and i don’t like any sort of babytalk shit. But it was pretty harmless all in all, and surely not worthy of an outright ban. At the end of the day, i don’t really give two shits about frenworld in particular. It is the broader context that is concerning.

Where are your priorities ladies and gentlemen? You are giving away what is most precious in your own society, and you're giving it away without a fight, and you're even praising the people who want to deny you the right to resist it. Shame on you while you do this. Make the best of the time you've got left.

-Hitch [inb4 Reddit is a private company tho lol didnt you know that :DDD]

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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