46  2019-06-21 by MazioLaHill


This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


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Hello refugee, welcome to r/Drama.

In order to continue posting, please submit a timestamped photograph of your anus (known colloquially as 'bussy') to one of our immigration officers for detailed inspection. Failure to do so would mean immediate deportation


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So bizarre how much public attentions this sub has gotten recently.

We're finally making it big

We are the news now.

"Breaking news:

A fat, balding, bespectacled 'man' seen posting his 1 millionth 'dude bussy lmao' on the news.

More at 10"

The AOC "nudes" saga was one of the funniest fucking things that I've ever been tangientially part of, tbh.

this is some serious business

Bro what the fuck XD

In a post from 2017, r/Drama had accused Shatner of “being critical of modern feminism,” and wanted people to make sure “Shatner’s vile remarks get Shat on.” Shatner commented, “I’m 86 years old; I don’t have time to watch 4 hour reviews on 2 hour movies.”

Kinda sounds like Shatner bait. So maybe happened.

In a follow up tweet, Shatner decided that maybe it was better that he was banned from the group, since the tongue in cheek “vocabulary rules” included: “Mayocide (Systematic eradication of the white race through breeding with non-whites,) and KYS (Ohana means family, and KYS means keep yourself safe, because despite the mean drunks and the touchy uncle, we’re all a family together.)”


Apparently the mods of r/Drama had banned everyone from their group as an April Fools joke, but forgot to let some people back on.

This is just incorrect.

The mass banning was no joke

nah it was powerful gemetria at work, 90.69% means "old people have way more disgusting sex than you thought"

Q predicted this

I mean it was a joke but unintentional. People who actually cared to keep posting on drama just made alt accounts.

Really the mods should have made it so accounts had to be a certain age (before the banning) to post here or something.

Maybe, but then I would be shit outta luck

Why was he unbanned? 3 of my accounts are still banned 😡😡

SMH, celebrities always get off easy

The OJ Simpson of our time 😥

Almost everything said in this article about the culture and aim of /r/drama is factually incorrect. FAKE NEWS! SAD!

The actor had previously joined the gossip group  in order to see what others were saying about him. In a post from 2017, r/Drama had accused Shatner of “being critical of modern feminism,” and wanted people to make sure “Shatner’s vile remarks get Shat on.” Shatner commented, “I’m 86 years old; I don’t have time to watch 4 hour reviews on 2 hour movies.”

Bruh what the hell is going on. I can't believe this is real lmaoo

comment section

Lmao brb...

Lol conservatards where off by a whole month

July 20th lmfao

Groups on Reddit are created by admins, who in turn create rules for the moderators, or mods, to follow.

Apparently the mods of r/Drama had banned everyone from their group as an April Fools joke, but forgot to let some people back on. Shatner was “unbanned” after he tweeted about it, but has no plans on going back. He tweeted again, “Fear not, it will never happen again.”
Highly logical.

Bop all journalists

We da news now

oh my god the mods are gonna fucking jerk themselves even harder to the ban wave now aren't they