rpolitics (🥴🐮) VS. rconservatives (🤡🤮): janny tards out over being banned in local drama gentlemen's club

62  2019-06-21 by trappysaruh


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Read marx

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. rpolitics (🥴🐮) VS. rconservatives (... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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t. boomer

Boomer is super mad because he cant figure out how to ban evade

Read marx

Quiteus42 SPS mods say you need to be banned. Can we get your reaction.

Ibiteyou wanted me to unban her from drama since she was caught in thebanout.

unban her plz

Already did 😊



this guy is so angry that he can't post in politics anymore lol

i'd consider it a blessing

Say what you want about them, but at least Deuxrama upvotes their lolcows

deuxrama is everything freedrama wishes it could be

It's over for freedramacels

lol no