Our resident clown-frog retards get triggered over seeing blacks in Europe mingling with the real blacks of Europe

45  2019-06-21 by ArlenBilldozer


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Our resident clown-frog retards get... - archive.org, archive.today

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What are these inbreds crying about

How to destroy your culture

T.Burger that thinks he has a culture

vikangz: kills a million micks, causes millions more to flee, subjugates and destroys their country

also vikangz: you need to be afraid of the basketball-Europeans, they're dangerous and might kill you

Weis wast vikangz!!

These are the basic tenets of ethno-nationalist thought.


Incase anyone was wondering if they’re Nazis

We were so concerned with building the wall for the MDEgenerates we've let all these chapo faggots think they're home here.

Smh. Post bussy.

I been here for years boi

Before bussy posting was even a thing

Damn are you a drama boomer

No I’m gonna kill myself if I ever act like a boomer

Im gonna be that autistic retard and say it, being an ethno nationalist doesnt mean you are a nazi. They could just be another flavor of fascism. Kind if how on the far left different ideologies hate each other even when technically they are all commies.

the jews are nazis

The hot take returns

Jews can very much hold the same kind of beliefs as neo-Nazis, just look at the apartheid state that is Israel

When the forget forget to even pretend to be about the clown frog... Multiple posts on the front page not about honkler.

Friendly reminder that Rome, the civilization these retards worship, was a multicultural republic that educated the children of conquered peoples, many of whom rose to power in government or military.

And all of that went to shit when a gay-bottom farm faggot crossed the pomerium.

Rome was going to shit way before that.

Rome went to shit right after Scipio got accused of corruption.

Rome went to shit when people didn't listen to the boy Cicero.


Corrupt little shit and probably a greek with it

Corrupt little shit and probably a greek with it

Same thing tbh

I liked when he beheaded people inside the pomerium. It really gave the Catiline conspiracy a good climax.

Uh ? didn't that ended with the catiline army getting their ass beat by superior roman steel.

The conspiracy is considered to have ended after Cicero had the conspirators strangled. The battle happened afterwards.

Uh, the more you know. One of the rare time he was based, I guess

Cicero was the meme definition of centrism personified, a useless waffling blowhard who was only good when you needed someone to distract the senate for a few days.

These people eat lead salt cause they are sweet. Of course there must be a downfall.

I'm more an antifreeze man myself

i SeE yOu arE A mEN oF cUlTuRe aS weLL

TIL wanting to be around your own people is racist.


I doubt you've learned anything today. In fact, I suspect most of your days lack a substantial amount of learning that you need.

So many flavors to choose from and you pick salty.

Exactly. Who the fuck would choose to hang out willingly with the Irish?

I imagine other Irish would like to hang out with other Irish.

The thought sickens me, quite frankly.

That’s why it would probably benefit your mental health to stay where you belong.

You mean like what's going on in the linked picture?

I like to think that Adam and Stavros willingly choose to hang out with Nick to record Cum Town

Go to a museum and stare at the Neanderthals then, cumskin.

  • doesn’t like what he/she perceives as racism
  • acts racist

Am I doing it right?

Saying he doesn't want to hang out with anyone but his race

Is suprised he gets called racist


Can't be racist again white people, friend. 🤭

Yep, that seems to be the common brainwashing tenet for being a NPC.




Please tell me ONE good reason whte """people""" deserve respect. One *actual reason, not a buzzword laden rant about frozen peaches or how your great-great-great-great-great-great granduncle wasn't a little faggot like you, so you deserve respect today because of that.

Just because you hate yourself and your genetics, doesn’t mean everyone else has to celebrate your existence to prevent your suicide.

Ironic when what you just said applies way more to yourself than to me: you're obviously very fragile when it comes to your ethnicity, and feel genuinely attacked when someone makes dumb jokes about your race on the internet. The same dumb jokes, it should be noted, that you find funny when told about other groups. And if people don't mindlessly praise your race, you dissolve into whiny blubbering about how we're horrible people for mocking you.

What’s hilarious is that you assume I’m white.

The insecurity of your cowardly DNA is really showing.

Imagine thinking your existence is hindered because a small ostracized group of rednecks at some moose lodge in the middle of nowhere hate minorities.

You’d have to be a real sorry sack of shit to feel threatened by them. I’d probably just slit my own throat with a fried chicken bone or maybe rub myself over with my tio’s lawn mower if I were that hopeless.

It's hilarious that you assume I'm not white. Please excuse the damp hair, I just got out of the shower. https://imgur.com/92AQWOA

Interesting that you say you're not white, though. So rather than being a fragile white redditor (pathetic), you admit to being a nonwhite suckup who wants desperately to be white and stans white pride worldwide online, but never actually will be white or accepted by the white supremacists he looks up to? That's even more pathetic, not sure why you'd admit that.

Then again, I don't really believe you anyway. It's easy to say you're nonwhite to try to score points (however misguided that may be, given that in this case it just makes you look worse), but everything about you just screams fragile white redditor. So here's the deal: hog or bussy, your choice, but we're going to need to see some ID to show that you're as nonwhite as you claim.

Imagine thinking your existence is hindered because a small ostracized group of rednecks at some moose lodge in the middle of nowhere hate minorities.

You’d have to be a real sorry sack of shit to feel threatened by them.

Ah, but I don't feel threatened by them. I think they're pathetic inbred freaks who will due alone in their trailer while high on fentanyl. They're not just a non-threat, they're a non-entity. I think you confuse disgust and revulsion on my part with concern or terror. I'm not concerned by them. I'm not terrified of them. They make me feel the same way I'd feel if I saw cockroaches on the floor of my garage: grossed out and annoyed by their existence.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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LOL your pic told me all I need to know.

I don’t waste my time trying to debate self hating, mentally ill untreated patients.

Good luck to your parents and have a nice night.

so you are white, then. Just to clarify. That amount of seething is a very white trait.

Not white. And not seething.

Hilarious that you assume I’m white or suck up to white supremacy because I don’t hate white people.

You truly are one of the most pathetic people I’ve ever encountered on the internet.

Anyways, like I said...we have nothing left to discuss her.

So once again...good luck to your parents and good night.

And not seething.

He S E E T H E D

1hr ago, 14 views

Did you really just post a picture of yourself laying on the bathroom floor to win an internet argument with a frogtard?


yes indeed I did.

Really tho, I just like attentionwhoring with my nubile body

Unfortunately this is an anti kink-shaming sub 😤

Wait so right now we got a POC Nazi arguing with a white twink just to be clear

a white twink who is anti-white. It makes the irony better: the PoC is arguing for white supremacy, the skinny white kid is arguing for mayocide.

Switch sides this instant

OK, I will make it my life goal to become PoC. I would like to announce, starting today, that I am transracial. My name is Darshawn, and my pronouns are bro/bruh/nigga. Please respect them.

Also, that previous joke is OK for me to make, because I can now make racially charged black jokes and say the N word. Thank you for your time.

Now you, Every1OnRedditIsScum, you non-white ethno-nationalist, you.

But are you A GAMER?

Racism applies to people.

Ethnonationalists, regardless of color, are not people.

If they’re not people then they can’t be racist towards you.

They're not racist, they're pests.

Yeah well, some people find ghetto minorities to be “pests”, so surely you can understand their dilemma?

I refuse to empathize with pests.

Then why do you act like one?

What part of "I don't empathize with pests" do you not understand? Gosh I can't wait until it's legal to hunt ethnonationalists for sport.

You act exactly like the people you claim to hate.

  • Dehumanizing a group of people.
  • can’t wait to murder them for existing

You need psychiatric help asap.

Yes I can, because ethnonationalists aren't people. And unlike those they hate, anybody could simply not be a disgusting ethnonationalist.

So basically what you’re telling me is...you’re mentally ill and will never be a functional member of society.

There is a name for you...it’s called “leftist”.

Enjoy your meltdown in 2020. I know I will.

No U Tough words for a member of the same group that pissed himself and got shot in front of a Texas Courthouse.

The autism is strong in this one.

I’m not sure if I feel sorry or ashamed of your parents.

Bby you can feel whatever you want if you post bussy pics with your address.

And you’re gay? Damn life is hard for you.

Bussy and address or GTFO

Damn, it must suck living with a demanding, self entitled millennial like you. If I were paying your bills; I’d cut off your internet access immediately. Just to watch you freak out.

Nice projection.

Too much asperger creep for my taste. Have a nice night.


some people find ghetto minorities to be “pests”

Yes, retarded cumskins


How aggressively retarded are you that you use "your own people" to mean "other whites"?

How was frenworld banned when honkler is 100x worse?

Because the admins are retarded 🤷🏽‍♀️

Frenworld got more attention.

The key is being overt I guess

Eh, that’s just more people for you to serve McDonald’s to while you make min wage for the next decade or so. What’s the problem here?

Are fast food places not staffed exclusively by Indians or Philippinos in America?

how many of these fucking clown subs are there