Literal child doesn’t know who Keanu is, r/pewdiepiesubmissions decides he deserves death.

29  2019-06-21 by Ghdust2


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Literal child doesn’t know who Kean... -,

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React videos were a mistake.

LOL that was hilarious to read

DAE autism, atheism and Keanu Reaves

The Brendan Fraser worship was worse if you ask me. Never got that one since he's not even a good actor or been in anything decent. Dude's one step away from being in boomer tier christian movies

Brendan worship was completely ironic (at least on /tv/ when "Just fuck my shit up" meme was popular). Keanu worship seems just like normie circlejerk

dont forget liam neeson.

also fraser was great in scrubs for those two episodes. plus he introduced me to gay chicken, which eventually turned into basically my entire lifestyle

LOL a sub about pewdiepie has maladjusted manchildren who wish violence on a literal child who wasn't even born when Keanu was relevant? I never could have predicted this outcome.

who wasn't even born when Keanu was relevant?

u mean now???

He’s having a care renaissance but still not at the popularity he used to be at.

friend this smells like cope

Meh I don’t really care one way or another. I’m just amused about the image of man children getting so upset at a literal child they want to fight him and the fact they would probably talk up their “victory”

its great. bunch of nobodies shitposting about how they're going to john wick this kids ass while chewing on some tendies in their blackout curtained room. owns. 1 of the only 2 things the internet is good for.

Don’t talk shit 💩 about blackout curtain rooms🏠. I get so much good sleep 😴 because of it!

thats what they always say about keanu, they've literally been saying he's having a second renaissance since bill and ted.

its what they say now, said when his most recent shooty movie series started up, its what they said during matrix, its what they said during point break