Fat ass foid writes inspirational fan fiction about being fired for her fatness

41  2019-06-21 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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What's this world coming to?

Unapologetic for being grossly unhealthy, and begging a known-to-be- shitty anonymous internet forum for legal help.


A lot more censorship can't come soon enough.

that's one good thing about the Chinese taking over, we won't have to worry about these people

The Chinese will be lucky if they are capable of taking a shit when Daddy Trump is done with them.

You forget who's really in charge of the internet.

Hint: Its not any state actor.

I have been asked to no longer post online

If only 😔

What's your downvote count for gallowboob? I'm at -622

There's going to be a company-wide training on gender and interpersonal relations

Can't wait for her to transition then fire the rest of the men for mis-gendering her.

this sub is fucking amazing, i was right about to go off on this thread alone but i read the sidebar first. now i love it.

I'm a fat ass but this foid sounds like shes pushing to the "vaseline on gut to squeeze into vehicle" fat

Fat isn’t a protected class is it?

The manager supposedly told her it was cuz she was a fat chick and not a fat dude.

I bet you could make a disability discrimination argument for obesity tho

All fat fucks should be fired tbh.

And then everyone clapped and the CEO of the company gave her a crisp $100% bill to apologize for her trouble.

The name of that CEO? Albert Fatstein.