Minor drama underway in /r/publicfreakout as random guy flosses right behind a girl's ass and she decks him to get him to stop.

15  2019-06-22 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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She should have been put down hard.


This is what happens when men are told they’re actually women and women are told they are just as strong as men.

Feminism. Not even once.

women are told they are just as strong as men.

She obviously knows she not that's why she smacked the dude being a creeper behind her ass instead of politely telling him to fuck off.

He was dancing like a moron. I didn’t see him being a creeper though.

If dancing like a dumbass makes someone entitled to get hit, then it looks like a lot of people have something coming to them.

I have no issue with him dancing like an idiot. It's more of the doing it right up on some random woman behind her back.

He was waiting in line.

When's the last time you danced up on a random waiting in line while your friend stood out of line filming?


But, I’m also not a millennial moron that thinks Fortnite dances are cool or funny.

Looks more like zoomer to me. If he's under 24-25 he's not a Millenial.

Either way.

Dancing like a retard behind someone in line does not justify hitting someone.

I guess we'll have to disagree there. When there's plenty of room behind him to back up and dance and he's obviously trying to bother her I don't think he gets to complain he got smacked.

Just remember if you hit someone, expect to get hit back or shot.

Life isn’t a video game.

Lol most people don't shoot people after getting smacked for dancing up on them. It's not a proportionate response that would end well for them in court.

Life isn't a video game.

That is why I specifically said hit back OR shot.

Where I’m from, you are likely to get shot.

He's a retard, she's a violent dumbass. End of story. Lamest drama ever

the argument that matters right here

I think a beatdown is fully appropriate for people who floss in public tbh

So...would you be cool with all of the flaming faggots dancing down the street getting beatdown for being annoyingly queer?

No not a beatdown.

That is more of a "Nuke it from orbit its the only way" situation

Well...that sounds like giving credibility to LGBTQ community that fascists are preventing their freedom to be faggots.

Don't make me pick between the foid and the manchild.

This is an example of why the straight white male has it hardest in America. Would she have hit the guy if it was Tyrone? Abdul? Javier? Melvin? Jazzmine? Pajeet? Melvin?

Nope, but Tom gets hit.

Where are Melvin and Jazzmine from? 🤔

Melvin is of test taking descent. Jazzmine is ambiguous.


posting your own bait comments


I like to think that this wasn’t a case of her mistaking his movements as being a perv, and rather that she saw him flossing like a 10 year old and felt obligated to bully him for being a fag.