Worn out gussy (probably a mayo🤮) is unable to cope with being unloved. (No drama, just incel shitposting)

49  2019-06-22 by Suka_blayt


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How does it feel to be a filthy bedouin who belongs to a lineage and culture which has never actually accomplished anything for itself? The only remarkable traits of your people are that they sit atop oil which white people pay you for and that you are dishonest and relatively dim witted. If western leaders weren't a bunch of jew addled traitors they would have wiped your people off the face of the earth and simply taken your oil rather than paid your retarded royalty a single cent.

Now we have a scenario in which a bunch of dune coons run around playing 21st century warlord with weaponry their stupid people couldn't possibly invent and shitting up life on earth for everybody. We never should have sold you so much as a Lamborghini let alone a fucking autocannon. Handing you sand niggers modern weaponry is like handing a small child a hand grenade.

If your people were worth their weight in salt they would turn their own lands into a place fit for human beings. Since they aren't able to, they flee to our lands and proceed to breed like rats while feeding their children with fraudulently earned income and welfare paid for by white people. You and your ilk will eventually outnumber us in our homes and our lands will become as shitty and useless as your lands. Cograts, you'll achieve dar es salaam but you won't have running water or a functioning power grid. You played yourself.

Shameful behavior from a deceitful desert tribe. Yet you feel pride. So strange.

Begone, rat.


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I've been in a string of serious relationships for the past 15 years. (4 serious partners, relationships lasting between 2-4 years).

It's almost impressive none of these dudes stuck around. That's like striking out four consecutive times after getting to a 3-0 count.

Yeah something must be going on. She doesn't want kids so that may be it.

Too old to have kids at this point anyway.

The milk has curdled

I like how the redditor dorks always support responding to an aggresssor with lots of force but now that the aggressor is a fucking mayo virgin like them they side with him

I like how you call whites mayo, but would be the first person on the report button if someone said the n word or (insert minority racial slur).

Does the hypocrisy ever end with you?

Shut up loser I’m a drama poster I don’t report people for slurs faggot

Yeah right.

Everyone here is starting to reallze you’re full of shit.

And everyone in your personal life probably already does.

That’s why you’ve resorted to bullshitting here.

Everyone here is starting to reallze you’re full of shit

This is how I know you’re a dirty refugee from another subreddit

/r/drama doesn’t care if people are full of shit you incredibly seething cumskin loser

I don’t care. If someone wants to be a worthless pieve of shit, that is their choice. But, I will acknowledge it and so will everyone else.

Not here they won’t. Go cope elsewhere you fucking mayo loser

Yep. Here and anyone else on reddit. This place isn’t any different.

You’re just mad because your life sucks.

Not our fault dude.

No ones mad but you, you’re on the wrong subreddit

Refugees out!

Why would I be mad because you’re a hypocrite?

I like pointing out your absurdity.

Mayos out!

You’re white though.

Cumskins out!

  • self hating white guy



Your genitals say otherwise.

Sex isn’t gender sweat

My penis doesn’t define me and neither do you. CLAPBACK

You’re a guy.

And mental illness doesn’t change that.


Nope nope

Go away meanie!

Sup dude?


Everyone here is starting to reallze you’re full of shit.

I've been here forever and I have no idea who either of you faggots are. The jannies need to close the border again and deport the various refugee groups who are taking advantage of our goodwill. There's too many MDEfugees and Chapos in the neighborhood.


Shut up mayo nigger

Make me.

I slam the report button on everyone because I like the notification in my inbox.

Well I totally responded to the wrong thread


take man twix by force

the job pays well, but the Master's degree tuition it took to get there left me in a lot of debt


35 years old... 14 working years... Master's degree is in the range of 40k-100k... 🤔

teacher lol

Are teachers allowed to get married in America?

only to students

I've broken up with a girl before it got serious because she had a six figure loan from Pratt University for some sort of art degrees. Fuck that. I want to be a DINK power couple.

Last I've heard, she is married and is teaching at a community college

I can't read that sub, literary every post and comment is coping.

It's like 75% hardcore cope with 25% crabs in the bucket. The saddest ones are the 40+ women who will respond to nearly anything with "He's probably boring. You're better off without him".

41 year old catch here!

Ah ya, Sandra. Who doesn’t want to spend 120 bucks at dinner, listening to you wine about your happily married bitch sister and her ugly kids, just for the chance to hop in bed with your powdered snatch and have uncoordinated sloppy Xanax and red wine fueled sex to the lovely ambience of bad classic rock and the aroma of a litter box that hasn’t been cleaned in a month.

don't sound too shabby tbh 🍑

🤮🤮🤧😷 ewww wine aunt gussy!

Actually I think even if she’s attractive, don’t fuck the 40 year old wine aunt. It encourages her to go be the alpha female in a pack of beta foids who all say “well Debbie pulls 25 year old hot guys all the time!!!” And just creates more of these people.


Prisoner’s dilemma

ya sign me up

My absolute favourite posts on the board are when foids make a thread along the lines of "I'm 35 and I just asked someone out for the first time. It was nerve-wracking!" and they end up with hundreds of posts congratulating them for doing something males learn to do when they're literally 13.

95% of the foids on this board would be literal incels if they were moids.

That's the only reason to read it tbh

Where are these loveless momma gussies where i live smh

on Tinder, being fat and annoying

Those are the poor ones tho

You’re not fruit rotting on a tree branch, you’re a honed apex predator, top of the god damned food chain, honed over 2.5 million+ years of human evolution - and you can claim the mate of your choosing any time you want.


Apex predators usually go hunt for their own not wait until someone wants them big gussy cope tbh

Shouldnt all of us then satisfy that criteria then?

Coping to a foid is as water to a fish, inshallah

41 year old single female here that is still a catch


They all think they are such a catch.

Biatch you is beat like the family dog. 35? Lmao don't you know gussy goes bad after 25? You been rotting on the vine for a decade. You'd be lucky to score a homeless guy in his 60s.

Meanwhile this guy:

As they say, it’s lonely at the top. Things are never as great as tv would have you believe. I know this because Im 35m blessed with incredible aesthetic appeal and I am the loneliest person on the face of this earth. Guys hate me and always pull their girlfriends in really tight when I walk by with a mean mug to boot, and girls are in a permanent amazed/terrified state when they look at me.


Peak delusional loser right here, holy shit hahaha

41 year old single female here that is still a catch

I’m enjoying my life. I know there will be magic with someone eventually and it will come at just the right time.

oh my heart

any decade now!

Fuck that, this shit is too sad to read.

Nah, self-indulgent foids running out of tarmac is heartwarming.

She should go all inclusive and consider getting a girlfriend and stop staying in relationships with no future.

The truth is that at the age of 35 she can't really have kids anymore, so the subset of "guys who want kids and a wife" are getting out of her reach.

Right. One-year rule. After one year together, you should be moving towards marriage. If they are reluctant, they either don't like you enough, or they are not marriage-minded. If that's the case, bail. Don't allow people to string you along if you want different things.


Come on OP, this is just mean... And no drama either.




no drama, just incel shitposting

I know

This is why I don't date women my own age.

finally, a place I can hunt for milfs