[Dramatic Happening] Judge serving over the InfoWars v SandyHook Parents notified by FBI that InfoWars comment section full of death threats towards her after Jones went live calling her conspirator against him.

34  2019-06-22 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Sorry man. This isn't halal. You're going to have to remove it.


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boomers on homicide watch

An Alex Jones fan sent him the CP because they knew it would look like a false flag. False flag2

It's false flags all the way down

Q predicted this

Jews did this.

Wow. he really doesn't know when to stop, does he?

Lol he basically fucked himself repeatedly. A lot of avenues for motions and appeals are out the window. Gotta love it

I love watching his meme videos on yt but the man is absolutely fucking insane and deserves this shit.

Sandy Hoax never happened.

Sue me bitch.

77% upvoted


I don't think anything will come of it though.