The market for magic crystals is fueling a human rights horror show.

29  2019-06-22 by UnexpectedLizard




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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. The market for magic crystals is fu... -,

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Who's the off brand DiCaprio that play a crystal smuggler? Maybe it's just 2019 Leo because he's not looming too good these days.

"tee eye gee ...tee eye gee" he whispers resigned as he's dying. This Is Guardian.

based and crystalline pilled

This is the most overtly baseball-bat-over-the-head racism that's possible. If something comes from Africa, then Africans must have been victimized, because they're incapable of finding shining rocks to con femayos with on their own. And hey, there were lots of wars in Africa around 1975-2000, so everyone in Africa who picks up a rock now must be a child slave.

Fuck these "people". Why are they trying to get ahead? Don't they know their purpose in life is to be victims who live off the charity that Europeans pay to assuage their white guilt?

Solid breakdown. Traditional societies are always corrupt, but capitalism slowly rises all boats.

Why do news agencies treat this bullshit with kid gloves? Just come and say it's bullshit and that people who use it are idiots.

The author doesn't want to decompress their package.

Mayo foid nonsense causes global suffering? Who could have predicted this?

This is the white-people nonsense equivalent of those awful Chinese medicine.