Ben Shapiro BTFO by FACTS and WATSON

62  2019-06-22 by Quietus42


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Ben Shapiro BTFO by FACTS and WATSO... -,*

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The tweet is entirely correct.

Must be all the Brainforce.

more evidence right wing unity doesn't exist

Looking at this san invoking "right wing unity" is like watching a slave picking up cotton and his master raping his wife and calling that Southern comfort.

Ben Shapiro is a Zionist agent, part of a wide network in USA and around the world, hell bent on getting more Americans to die for their Torah fantasies.

This Watson guy is either retarted or really dumb to find out this now.

Watson might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but it might just be that going full "da jooz" tends to be more trouble than it's worth

Ben is only against abortion because he might be mistaken for a fetus at his stature

I, for one, fully support allowed 140th trimester abortions.

Lol le short man amirite






back into the pit

A manlet pit is nice because you only have to spend 15 minutes digging it before you never see them again

Behold the coping manlet

Behold the faggot lol

unironic heightism is the last refuge of the lowest IQ retards on earth

Well it's time for Shapiro to delete his twitter

Imagine being fucking owned by PJW.

it never even began for neocon """intellectuals"""

The one time pjw isn’t a retard

Shapiro is, and always will be, a neocon.

Shapiro is not a neocon, genuine neocons believe that America should have a role in keeping world peace (by force) and spreading democratic institutions throughout the world

Shapiro just wants to fulfil his holy book prophecy of ((())) taking their rightful land or something

His sis got nice tits though.

he uses her khazar milkers to bring all of the goys to the yard

Who are we kidding, ben himsself got some nice milkers.

King David Empire

Wow I just became a megaZionist

Lol this dumbass thinks the "left" is calling trump weak for not bombing Iran. As he supports a guy who appoints john Bolton and pompeo.

That's because his brain is filled with soy

I mean, when a commie is making you look like an idiot, it's time to delete Twitter.

Opened your link.

What that guy's lacking in chin he's making up for with neck.

Imagine taking diet recommendations by either of these bong skinny fats. Soy likely doesn't have any adverse effects if you have a healthy otherwise, but if you consume mostly just soylent inbetween your internet tard fights, then you might just be the next Cosmo

a healthy otherwise

You got me, I made a mistake, I'll go and commit seppuku for the honor of my clan

I don't watch hentai

You're missing out then


I keep eating soy but I still haven't grown tits. I'm pretty disappointed.

Oh shit, Paul Joseph Watson.

I never thought I'd be nodding along with a PJW tweet yet here we are.

I legitimately thought this would be about Shapiro getting dunked on by that computer that shit all over Ken Jennings.

Then I opened it, and it was about some same-store limey-fag Alex Jones clone. Man. Fuck you, OP.