Britbongs held hostage by nesting gulls. Some Amerifats are livid

28  2019-06-22 by pee_tape_not_piss


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Britbongs held hostage by nesting g... -,,

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I'm more curious at what's wrong with UK Seagulls. What the fuck

Gulls are absolute vermin. My city has them as the primary urban fowl and they can get big, powerful, and aggressive. Words cannot express my utter contempt for those nasty flying demons.

Well at least you don't have crows. They're incredibly loud in the morning and basically all day, they get into groups and attack pets and other animals, they're not scared to steal your food, they take huge shits on people's cars.

Worst bird in America. Followed by pigeons

Crows are ravens except smaller and you can’t have pleasant conversations with them

Crows are thought to be, by some Native American tribes, your ancestor’s spirit. Maybe you ancestors are shitting on your car and stealing your food because they think you’re a disgrace to their family name🤔

Incredibly violent.

I heard one year they got drunk from eating some insects or something. Mass reports of seagull suicide and screaming constantly

I refuse to believe the UK is an actual country at this point.

Based and LexingtonandConcordpilled

God people on Reddit are such fucking bitches. I remember getting into it with a group of them over geese. These absolutely wimps were talking about how terrifying they were as if they aren't hollow boned and didn't have teeth.

Geese are intimidating but once you learn you can just choke them they are basically harnless.