Moderator of 20+ subs lays down the law

130  2019-06-22 by atmpls


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/uj this post is about how /r/drama is now just retards spamming the same shitty memes at each other and then laughing so they can feel like they're part of some super exclusive community. most of the discordcels don't even use the sub anymore bc it's not fun to look at momruepari's latest retarded meme or dumbfucks """ironically""" chasing trappysaruh/whatever other meme tranny happens to be around.

current top post, look at this """drama"""

second one is just "commie mommy did a thing xd"

news articles aren't drama

dude pizzashill lmao


  1. Moderator of 20+ subs lays down the... -,,

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Imagine not talking about lawlzposts when discussing drama lmao

Not real and they probably like the member of the same sex


Let’s just remember that this sub bans people for calling one story fake one time or even implying you agree with someone else who says so.

Honestly I am in awe of something this stupid.

I had to re-read that so many times. He’s phrasing it like a criticism of the rules but he’s the fucking mod.

I’ve said /r/conspiracy needs that same rule to make it a safe zone for conspiracists

If they did that it'd be an even bigger circlejerk than it is now

But image if they did do something like that. Their theories would go totally off the rails. I mean they'd probably just accepted as doctrine at one point and turn into a religion. I just made myself shit my pants.

The occasional whackadoodle aliens-controlling-our-brains thread that you see there now getting downvoted to oblivion and ignored used to be the norm, and it was great. Then like everything in their lives rightoids had go in and shit it up.

So were they always rightoids? Or did they just populate those corners under O'bama'?

I mean to some degree yeah they always were; conspiracy thought seems to be more prevalent with them for reasons I don't fully understand, but in general they were skeptical of anyone with any sort of power. But when Trump started whining about muh deep state the sub mysteriously started toeing the party line.

9/11 didn’t happen the way they said

9/11 didn’t happen the way they said because there were no planes

9/11 didn’t happen the way they said because there were no towers

9/11 didn’t happen the way they said because there is no New York City

9/11 didn’t happen the way they said because there is no United States

9/11 didn’t happen the way they said because there is no reality

Gtfo with your spreadsheets

what is that?

We need to find a solution to the MQ

Cut off the supply of hot pockets and the question solves itself

If you aren't banning 90.69% of your users can you even call yourself a mod?

That should be Reddit's motto instead of "Front Page of the Internet".

Should read something like: the hammer of Damocles.

Based and sword of damocles pilled

Imagine wasting the first weekend of summer policing the internet because you have no friends or family.

Time to hire the LARP boys from AITA to post definitely not fake stories all over that ridiculous sub, lol.

Let's use Mechanical Turk to generate stories in broken English

Y'all can't even





You know, I wonder what this thing about "janitor" is about. Do you not want me to remove the trash?

he takes his """"""job"""""" very seriously



Okay, that's definitely a power fantasy type thing.

Hahahahah. Yo everyone go report that comment for threats of physical violence, Reddit has been so ban happy lately. Let's see what happens

Brilliant idea, really. Time to post some /r/nosleep-tier fiction and get half the sub banned for questioning it.

Link when you do, I wanna see the bloodbath.