Mod of creative writing sub bans poster for calling a story creative writing. Poster returns with an obviously fake story, which no-one is allowed to call fake. Mod claims that this "demonstrates where the line is", is told to suck cocks. Mod is not financially compensated for his efforts.

89  2019-06-22 by I_will_bum_your_mum


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Mod of creative writing sub bans po... -,,

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If anyone is capable of understanding what this mod is actually talking about, I'd love to hear it.

Apparently the point is that there is no line. By allowing a fake story to stay up the mod is saying that he still stands by the retarded take that all stories posted are true bc the rules say no fake stories.

Idk how that's considered moderating though, if drama took such a lazy approach to modding I'm p sure we'd get fucked up

Brb boutta get banned

/new on that sub is filled with posts like this. It's great

My strategy: post entire literotica stories with a short introduction. It'll be a porn sub and all posts will be completely w/in rules 🤭


Are you a 40 year old mayo foid?

Only in the bedroom

Hey mod! Never visit this shitty subreddit, but this was on r/SubredditDrama, and they told me that you are a cunt. Are you? I think you are. That's not only my personal opinion, it seems to be an objective fact at this point. You're a bit lacking in the head as well. Go fuck yourself lol. If there's more than one - all of you can go fuck yourselves lol deez nuts assholes lol

How can SRD get away with brigading but we can’t even ping 😠😠

Inshallah being the most persecuted minority on the Internet is the burden allah has given us to bear, do not give up hope brother

Daily reminder that SRDines WON

Because SRDines are the Admins live child just like AHS while we are the unloved bastard child that crawled out of the trashcan behind the abortion clinic.

banning people calling out bait posts

Absolutely based mods

I added him to my list

that powermod is still going, there was another thread about them here too

Posting a fake story on that sub in rebellion is a great act of malicious compliance.

I do love how they're causing more drama with malicious compliance.

We don't even bother with reasons all the time because, frankly, we don't unban people.

Haha drama has better moderation than MC and we're all lazy, fucked up losers.