The first big person in the modern day to call out the Catholic Church, and unfortunately lost her career for it

6  2019-06-23 by The_Great_I_Am_Not


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  1. The first big person in the modern ... -,

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Pretty sure she's an attention whoring loony. But there is some prescience there.

She wasn't the attention-whoring type.

She was driven by heart.

And it drove her mad.

Unironically, Sinead O'Connor is one of my favourite human beings.

Mine too, and has been for a decades.

She's an angel, unironically.

people who guild things in r/drama deserve to be thrown off of mosques

Tori Amos is much better and far less crazy.

The OG annoying athiest.

She's never been atheist. Her ideals on what constitutes "god" have been very shifting and conflicted, but she's always talked about something that she believes in that is kinda like what some people refer to as a "god".

Lol pretty standard foid shit. I have some crystals and purified water to sell her.

Clean your room.

Fuck me first.