MetaFilter demands mayocide NOW!

19  2019-06-23 by Ghdust2


You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. MetaFilter demands mayocide NOW! -,

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Even with a snazzy new title I'm still not reading all that shit.

This is one of the juiciest metatalk threads I’ve seen in a long while. How did they manage to collect so many smug, whiny, entitled goofs. I dare say these people are even smuggier than our own SRDines.

I guess they’ve had longer to practice.

I know that there are times and things that really rub me the wrong way. Like in the USian Political OutrageFilter catch-all thread, the way some non-Desi members essentially smugly whitesplained how to pronounce half-Desi Kamala Harris's name.

Like, I get that Kamala pronounces her name a specific way. And this Indian-American poster was pointing out that it's not pronounced the same way back in the old country.

And of course, I don't, for a minute, think that those non-Desis, the white peeps using Kamala Harris as a shield to explain to someone that how their culture pronounced a certain name was wrong, have any fucking clue that Asian-Americans, that a lot of immigrants, sandblast our names away to fit your inflexible mouths.

I honestly doubted that the racism could be that severe on a place like MetaFilter. But after reading this, I mean wow. I was not ready for such high levels of racism. Maybe we should contact the employers of that person in question and inquire if the company really wants to be associated with such a person.

How many times do we gotta post this here

I’m surprised metafilter is still around, tbh.

It’s like Fark but without the squirrel nuts memes

Literally who the fuck is on metafilter