28  2019-06-23 by dis_is_my_account


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. 👏PITBULLS👏ARE👏PEACEFUL👏DOGS👏 🔒LOCKE... - archive.org, archive.today

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we need a masstagger but for r/aww-cels

I was at a bar a week ago and these two mexican guys were talking about how much they love pitbulls. Then they started talking about cock fighting.

Almost as if those hobbies are entwined...

Really makes my thinking muscle do a big...

Really activates those almonds.


Hate to say this but I always see the most pitbulls in the sketchy parts of town. I never see pitbulls in upper class or even just nice neighborhoods

eso activa mis almendras

t happens everytime this pic is posted or any other pic of a pibble. It's unfortunate that so many people have been brainwashed against such beautiful creatures. I'm sure they will be here soon and be hate spewing their "facts" and extreme arguments against the breeds.

I wouldn't trade my pibbles for anything and nothing will change that for me! I'm sure there's others that feel the same way and that's what's needed to keep the dogs in good homes to prove the haters wrong.



Why do mods feel the need to channel the British and emulate their high levels of autistic disfunction

Better than talking like a condescending cowboy like most Reddit jannies.

Y’all y’all y’all 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠

Awww its dressed up to dine on some toddlers

>when you see an undefended toddler