Reddit paid subscriptions prediction thread.
4 2019-06-23 by bleached_ammonia
Jannies are no longer doing it for free, instead getting a share of the that from paid sub-specific memberships/subscriptions.
Predict how this will intensify mod drama now that money is involved. Personally I foresee mass demoddings, as the cash is divvied up across the mod tran I think.
1 Fletch71011 2019-06-23
I think I'll step down from any subs I mod that try to give me money. I prefer doing it for free.
1 elephantofdoom 2019-06-23
The accusations of mods of subs for specific games/products/companies will go insane as suddenly the mods will now have a massive incentive to actually shill.
1 Elite_AI 2019-06-23
~=niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers=~
why can't reddit stay afloat with simple advertisements?
~=niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers=~