Dyke March in Toronto for equal rights. Some ask what rights lesbians don't have. The right to downvote.

76  2019-06-23 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. Dyke March in Toronto for equal rig... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Google is free

Take a look it's in a book

Literally this.

These same people for the last 6 years

I jUsT dOn'T uNdErStAnD wHeRe ThE aLt-RiGhT cAmE fRoM?!

Don't we already know how inbreed children are made

Let’s ask your mom/aunt and dad/uncle.

nice try but too wordy and indecisive 😴😴😴

I’d be mad but I want your bussy.

buy my trappy lootbox for a ultra rare chance to blast my bussy!

How much to just buy the trussy? Lotteries are a tax on the poor.

not for sale!!! only method to get this trussy is through my ultra premium loot box service. *all proceeds go to charity!

I’ll buy the loot box if that’s code for trussy.

Can I pick the charity?

No need to be offended burger I'm just saying

maunt and duncle


Hey now, they've been told their whole life they're helpless victims. Just because gay rights have seen wildly successful advances in the last decade doesn't remove their victimness! Believing the big, bad Canadian government is out to get them totally hasn't become a core facet of their personality that they still desperately cling to because without it they're just successful white people, a.k.a. OPPRESSORS. This clearly has nothing to do with the left currently being fucking obsessed with oppression pyramids determining your worthiness!

There are no actual dykes at dyke marches anymore tbh. The only rights we don't have are the rights to be left the fuck alone by LARPing men in dresses.

*There are no actual dykes

We are all men in dresses on this blessed day

Seeing all the photos most of it was the bi/trans flag, last year some lesbians did show up with 'lavender menance' shirts but I think they got kicked out. A person who used the word lesbian on their banner at the march this year said people were legitimately surprised to see the a explicitly lesbian group at the march and thanked them, kind of sad to be honest.


how y’all mfs look

There was drama this year at the dyke march over them banning the jewish star of david with the rainbow flag, but the dyke march is no longer for us...there was only one lesbian group and that was the butch lesbian alliance or something

There may not be state-sponsored denial of rights but discrimination, both outright and subtle, still exists all over the place.

I won't rest until everyone - but mostly cis white males - find men in dresses attractive and has experienced dating one in their lifetime.

"rights" has lost all meaning.

Got are tards here really that dense?

