A shitlord in r/PoliticalDiscussion uses the term "illegal" to describe illegal aliens. Mod steps in to declare that đź‘Ź y'all đź‘Ź can't đź‘Ź behave đź‘Ź.

101  2019-06-23 by feedbackplz1


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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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Or maybe don’t use dehumanizing language in a sub meant for reasoned political discourse?

Jesus relax, it’s not like anyone called them worthless taco bending wetback spics or anything, chill.

This is really interesting. I always favored immigration reform, and it was telling how many people freaked out when I used “illegal alien/migrant workers” in a totally neutral fashion.

What sort of immigration system do you want to see? I already know what you don’t like, so I’m not really looking for diatribes about Trump and Republicans and concentration camps. I’d rather know what would be a reasonable system by your estimation. Is there an existing model of immigration that you feel we should model our own after?

No one can answer me this shit my man. I unironically stan for socialized policies, but because I realize we can’t do it with a open door some how I’m a nazi. Some sort of “national socialist” or some nonsense.

They might. I guess they can assume I’m arguing in bad faith and ignore, but I figure if I keep asking I’ll get some insight one day.

I fully accept that agriculture is pretty dependent on exploitation of undocumented workers, and that they suffer disenfranchisement by not being able to participate in certain safety nets or privileges. I just want to know what the fuck people want to do about it.

Like...Umbrella naturalize them, bail out agriculture (lawl) so it doesn’t all go under with minimum wage, and tax them like everyone else? Is that what they want? We are already paying for their healthcare mostly, if you tax them to recoup some of that then you wouldn’t see much complaining from me. At a certain point though you would create slums from a surplus of low skill/low education workers, so it would be the rust belt but spicy.

These are all stupid ideas I’m sure, but at least I’m trying to engage the problem instead of deliriously screaming pathos-bait.

This is why leftoid bait is so easy. Rightoids are just like

“I have no actual answer but uhhhh come legalllly!!!”

Leftoids literally have no answer. They unironically stan workers rights, by destroying the working indigenous class of any first world nation with a never ending flow of even more exploitable labor.

We, radcens(nazbols) here at drama take the logical approach. We don’t have a perfect answer. But, we can start by:

  1. Workers protections, forcing e-verify so workers and companies are held to a standard. If you fail. You go home, if a company is caught in violation that is obviously a mistake(forged identity)It’s given a chance to comply. If a company is caught in egregious violation. It’s penalized so heavily it will make sure it either doesn’t happen again or it won’t operate again.
  2. Illegals are given a grace period, aid, and sent home. These people won’t starve upon going home, and a abusive husband is not a excuse for political asylum.
  3. Wages are stabilized, the lack of surplus of labor will bring back a increase in wages for the average worker. You or I cannot compete with 4 guys willing to live in a 2 bedroom apartment making 24k a year a piece working themselves to death, nor should we have to.

I could go on but these are basic bitch fucking “no shit” things. Imagine if we spent the money on helping our people, instead of taking in hordes of the unwashed masses just so we can exploit them while our people die on the streets. It’s autistic.

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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I fully accept that agriculture is pretty dependent on exploitation of undocumented workers

so was cotton but they still freed black people

people really hate admitting that for socialist policy to work you need to secure your border pretty much completely

dehumanizing language

lol, where do you people come from?

A place where the words you use actually matter instead of being a trolling shitlord hiding behind your computer screen in your parents' basement.

My legal immigrant parents’ basement, tyvm

the term "shitlord" is dehumanising

When I was growing up I was taught a nursery rhyme that went, “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me”. My mom would always remind me of it if I got upset because of something someone said. It was a pretty valuable lesson and still applies today as an adult.

I guess you were never taught that lesson.

Oh nigga come on

Ideas matter words are semantics. If you know what they mean then the words are irrelevant, you're just taking an easy out on a debate.

My dad is a ICE agent, thank you very much.

Shut up you faggoted niggardly idiotic retarded wetback subhuman limpwristed jew-loving worthless light in the loafers cis white heterosexual male eggheaded cheese eating Cher-loving pog-collecting anti-Semitic kaffiyr cowardly humorless no-fun butch bitchy furry Nickelback-listening disco-loving fanfiction-writing psuedo-punk sellout hipstery backwoods broadfooted rounded heels apron-chasing Pakistani LIMEY Froggy ugly American close-toed shoobi unngnarly most unexcellent Trannie illegal Republican GameStop-shopping pedophiliac loli-loving sea-swabbing landlubbing seal-clubbing newspaper-reading illiterate Weaboo wapanese westaboo Ruskie Turk Jewish cocaine-sniffing shoe-sniffing slave-trading whip-cracking child of God backdealing whoreson backstabbing slutmongering money-hungry commie Nazi square godless heathen grasping covetous old sinning loser.

Saved the worst for last, I see

It's as if you collect insults like Pokemon.

Is it dehumanizing language? Do you call animals or objects as illegals?

Surely a language only used for humans.

when ppl say illegal its short for illegal immigrant

theyre not saying mexicans are suddenly against the law

hope this helps

Think it might be a portmanteau of “illegal alien?”

I remember when that sub didn't also suck, like every other political sub on Reddit. The no meta-posting is especially stupid too. The shark has been jumped, at least allow everybody to whine about the jannies like on every other sub.

It really use to be one of the better subs. Like a lot of the intermet, 2015 ruined it

I thought 2016 ruined the Internet

Any subreddit that gets over 10k subscribers becomes shit.

PD is such a shithole sub you can't actually disagree with whatever agenda posting is

"Bernie Sanders said the other day that open borders are a bad idea. Does this make him economically illiterate and/or undeserving of the hispanic vote? Please explain why the to the above question answer is yes."

He doesn't deserve it anyways. Hisoanics want someone who is one of them like Beto.

Much like PD, you too used to be more subtle and entertaining in years past.

They want a mick?

Reddit's real issue is that it's too hard on Bernie.

The sub is basically tries to make up for the Berner spam by circle jerking the other way.

Well PD got full of refugees when Bernie first ran and all unironic Clinton lovers ran there and tilted it ever since

Imagine being a fucktard like that dude

You have to be willfully ignorant to not understand "illegal aliens = illegals"

Illegal immigrants are illegal.

PD is so boring. There's no discussion. Only progressive smug posting.

more like neolib smug posting

nah most of it is warren/bernie