The Manlet

40  2019-06-23 by battlemoid

The Manlet is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a virgin, incel, beta, neckbeard, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Manlet and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “5'10 is average for adult males”


5’10 is average for adult males

I’m sorry but this ignores the plight of ricelets everywhere


lol who the hell cares get back to work, chang

I’m sorry sir I will have you know I’m a car-fentanyl American. Don’t ever misgender me like that again

They don't need to worry about height because they're too busy making shoes for real humans.

tfw no Napoleon to follow to the edge of heck

Why live?

not being 6'8"

not being 6'9"

freakishly tall, tbh

t. manlet

I won't lie, I'm actually really proud I'm a manlet who has been able to actually have a successful sexlife with actually attractive women. I feel like the token rags-to-riches story that people use to overexaggerate social mobility, but for gussy.

Speak for yourself lol. I'm on the short side but women find me attractive.

Behold the coping manlet

What do you call girls telling you that you're cute? Cope harder, lankycel.

Pity hugs aren't sign of being attracted.

I know because I'm a Manlet too, you're fucking disgrace.

Not "pity hugs." Girls have genuinely called me cute, they like my voice, etc. If you're still struggling to come to terms with this, the girls were just under my height, or noticeably shorter, and I still have traits like broad shoulders, good jawline, etc. so I fit the bill for being taller and having those good traits. Cope harder, ugly manlet.

When a manlet tells me to cope.

They call you cute? Is that your bar for success with women?

Lol no. I'm still pretty young, and one wanted to make out with me too.

That's right. It's actually 5'9".