Daddy finally says what we're all thinking

105  2019-06-23 by The_Live_Ghost


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Daddy finally says what we're all t... -,

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He'll also be the first one crying thay out military allies don't want to be involved if he does start a war.

They don't get involved, anyway. Bunch of stingy fuckers.

A bunch got involved in Afghanistan.

It was pretty much everyone but the French.

the last time the french had any good french leaders in charge, gravity hadn't been discovered.

France is better off having someone else make their decisions

French were involved.

Woops must have missed them on the list.

Its a hoax. The french werent involved.

Everyone was involved with Afghanistan at first. it was Iraq that everyone told us to piss off.

No France but still a lot of countries played at least a token role in that shit show.

I dunno, you grab the boys and you fuck around on the sands. It's like Inferno Boy near Vegas or whatever. Might have been too early since the last shindig, or maybe the party was dragging itself a bit.

The Germans came into a really safe sector where nothing was happening and then burned alive 100 civilians to punish them for stealing gasoline. But yeah, it's those damn drone strikes by the US that turned everyone against us!

Fuck off, germans have a history of burning people, it wasnt an offensive act.

I will not tolerate hate speech against German traditions.

What are you talking about?


It was fucked up but some of the German public overreacted in true post-war guilt style amd wanted the whole KSK disbanded over the incident

The German psyche has been fucked since ww2. We (the rest of the world) should really encourage them to get the fuck over it already. If the current unprecedented 1st world peace proves to be permanent, that means there might be no more major wars to create new narratives. I don’t think we should spend the next thousand years or whatever stuck with echoes of “Germany monsters, France surrender,” etc.

I think France trying to dispell that image is partly why they've been so forward leaning in military interventions (like Libya, Mali, those airstrikes on Syria) lately, same as Germany being almost pathologically un-militaristic. You're right, ww2 is becoming a stale meme.

remember when those fuckers attacked Libya and couldn't figure out a bombing run, so we sent a dozen high school dropouts to help them out.

And because of that they all blame the libya bullshit on us

Everyone with half a brain knows it’s France fault, as usual.

The frogs absolutely SEETHE at the idea of not being a superpower.

They did fuck some Chad separatists up though with minimal resources.

Yeah but in the end they had to cry to their US daddy.

Also, in 2011 they stuck their nose openly both in Syria and in Lybia and look how that turned out.

If there's one things Aussies are better at than shit posting, it's following Seppos into bumfuck warzones for tenuos reasons.

Europe needs to build their own military and cut ties with the US.

The US is just not reliable anymore. A central European military would be on parity with the US military, too, providing a counter balance.

Europe actually started doing that recently after Daddys endless bitching and the US started whinging about it because they were buying from European manufacturers.

Yeah, because Trump is a mongoloid. Any general, anyone with any relevant level of education on the subject will tell you NATO is a massive net gain to the united states.

If every other member of NATO paid exactly 0 dollars it'd still be a net gain to the united states.

You can bet your ass US command was cringing at Trump.

If every other member of NATO paid exactly 0 dollars it'd still be a net gain to the united states.

How so?

Because it allows the US to have bases all over the world. It allows the US to store military equipment, again, all over the world.

It gives the US the ability to be anywhere in the world pretty quickly.

It gives the US influence and soft power over many other countries.

Let me put this into perspective for you.

Do you think Albania is in NATO because they have the ability to do anything in the event of a major war?

Do you think Estonia is?

No, they're there for other reasons. Everyone knew that in the event a war with the soviet union broke out, the US would be doing 95% of the actual fighting. NATO is full of countries with no relevant military power, countries that wouldn't be able to join the US in pretty much any war.

NATO is absurdly valuable to the US. And not because these countries can provide any relevant military force, it's about geopolitics, influence, and access to bases in pretty much every strategically valuable country on the planet.

I'd support this, if only for the dramatic screeching internet Europoors will engage in when the necessity of finally having to pay for their own defense results in either cuts or massive tax hikes to fund those welfare programs they're so smug about.

It's hilarious when dumb asses make this argument. I get it's rightoid orthodoxy to claim the only reason Europe is 30 years ahead of the US socially is that they don't "fund their defense" but no, that isn't it.

It's because they don't have to deal with dumb ass evangelicals that think social safety nets are socialism.

Europe could fully fund a military and still maintain all of their social safety nets. The US is just hilariously incompetent and has a conservative problem.

Arena strategy doesn't translate to geopolitics, pizzashill.

Going to assume you have no idea what you're talking about given this reply and the fact it makes no sense in the context of anything I said.

Who you are speaks more clearly than what you say.

No. They couldn’t. Which is why they don’t.

Yes, they could.

US conservatives are just the dumbest people in the western world. They're the kind of people you'd expect to find in a 3rd world country.

Imagine pretending that mayo Americans are people.

PizZa you got some good takes and bad takes

Todays takes are bad. Real bad. Take a break for a few days sweaty

oh hey pizza

>central european


lmao theyd be even more right wing than trump. cant wait

I think he meant centralized.

A military alliance between European states would be feasible. You’re unironically retarded if you think there would be a “European” military.

There's no reason why there couldn't be a central European army, as in a unified army funded/supplied by European member states.

Who would it answer to?

I'm guessing it could work in the way NATO currently works. Why is Europe not capable of this?

NATO is a military alliance not a unified army. I literally said a military alliance could work.

Oh shit. Did pizza still get owned without a wall of text and irrelevant sources?

He has a lazy eye. He was owned at birth.

He’s also under 6 foot and can’t grow facial hair.

And his lumpen head is highly unattractive

Ok, and I didn't say it would be NATO, I said it would be lead like NATO, and consist of European countries.

There's no reason Europe could not form a unified military.

Nobody claimed it would be NATO. Are you drunk? Try not to piss on your keyboard. If you think any European nation would cede that kind of sovereignty then you’re delusional. Like I said, a military alliance is feasible an actual European army is a retarded idea.

What in the actual fuck are you talking about you illiterate clown.

Someone asked who said army would answer to or something, I said the leadership structure could work like NATO does.

You then responded with "that's an alliance!!"

I swear to god I'd be fucking amazed if you had an above 2nd grade reading level.

You said it would not be NATO. I responded that nobody ever stated it would be NATO. How would a military alliance structure transfer to an actual unified army, what political body would it answer to? The European Parliament? As for why Europe wouldn’t be capable of it, it’s because European countries would not cede that kind of sovereignty to a political body they don’t have control over. This might be new to you, but many European countries take their independence very seriously. A unified European army has always been a europhile pipe dream. Put down the bottle and go to bed.

You said it would not be NATO. I responded that nobody ever stated it would be NATO.

You're actually trolling. I stopped reading here. Let me run this down for you to prove my point you're a moron.

yangpede -3 points an hour ago There's no reason why there couldn't be a central European army, as in a unified army funded/supplied by European member states.

I say this.

You say this:

]ashleychudd 5 points an hour ago Who would it answer to?

I say:

–]yangpede 1 point an hour ago I'm guessing it could work in the way NATO currently works. Why is Europe not capable of this?

You then respond:

ashleychudd 6 points an hour ago NATO is a military alliance not a unified army. I literally said a military alliance could work.

I never said it would be NATO. I said it would have leadership that is similar. Again, I have no idea if this is you just being a seriously dumb person or just being so desperate to come at me you'll make terrible, weird arguments to justify your hate boner. You have seriously problems, get help.

Pizza, I think the problem is that you are legitimately too stupid to understand the difference between a military alliance and a unified army. Now you’re projecting your own inability to understand or make even a coherent argument for a unified European army.

I think you're too stupid to comprehend what I said.

I know the difference between an alliance and a unified European army.

What I am suggesting, ok, and I will bold this for you so you can actually read it.

I am suggesting that the European Union, as an entity, as a singular entity, form a unified European military, a single military that answers to a European command made up of European member states, think in the way the federal government has a military in the united states.

I have no idea how much clearer I can make this for you. You are a profoundly stupid person.

You see Pizza, when we start discussing the nature of this unified army it ends up just becoming a military alliance. Why would this unified military exist? Would it replace all member state’s militaries? If it doesn’t then why would any member be funding two militaries? Especially when one of these militaries doesn’t work 100% for the country partially funding it. As for your second bolder point, if the political will does not exist then they are clearly not fully capable of accomplishing it. Your entire point about Europe’s need to form a single unified military to defend it has ended up showing just how fucking stupid you are.

Lol, who the fuck is the Centralized European Army gonna listen to? If Germany and majority of the EU wants to send rescue boats to a shithole in the middle east do you think Eastern Europeans would allow their soldiers there? Would the soldiers themselves willingly go? Logistics would need to be done on the allegiance of every individual soldier because national interest and the council interests would collide.

Europe is gay and retarded. NEXT!

Oh I wish they do, so they can stop bitching at us about our military bases and blaming us for bombing their targets for them.

We should plop bases in countries that would be grateful to us, or are clear-headed enough to know it is in their best interest so they shut their mouth. Like Japan, Taiwan, and maybe some Eastern European countries like Poland.

The only one worth a damn is the UK, and daddy likes them.

Imagine not wanting to see iran glassed.

In’shallah brother

Can I get a "hell yeah" from my Saudi brothers?

implying the Mahdi would allow it

“Yeah, John Bolton is absolutely a hawk. If it was up to him he’d take on the whole world at one time, okay? But that doesn't matter because I want both sides.”

You may not like it, but this is what radical centrism looks like.

Daddy for Jannie ?


Imagine, this place jannied only by Daddy AND Shatner.

the inevitable betrayal and fistfight over power would be epic


There is no way Based God-Daddy would do anything for free

maybe we could work out some kind of branding deal

Donald Trump presents D R A M A

it's got a certain ring to it

I'd pay upwards of $4.99/month for that

isn't daddy being president for free?

idk do you really want the unwashed horde of Boomers who infest T_D to suddenly start posting here?

I dont think he has a single Dove in his admin so i have no fucking idea what he thinks the other side is, the jews?

((( D O V E S )))

Day of the John Woo action sequence when

The dove he listens to is Putin

Putin is an ostrich, not a dove.

He’s a “dove” on attacking Iran and screwing up oil markets.

“The other side” is the notes he leaves for himself while he’s sundowning

Briger to Boomerbithia

That would mean anyone who is sane who has a voice in this process, which at the moment I believe is the JCS.

This just in, if you don't like Trump. you don't like r/Drama

This is like Carter's cabinet if Vance and Brzezinski and Carter were all retards.

I remember telling my German friend that he only hated trump because his country was relegated to the kid’s table. The cope was great.

The last time the Germans were giving any power was the Holocaust. The only good thing about the refugee crisis is the self-inflicted destruction of Germany. Humanity will no longer be threatened by the Teutonic menace.

Teutonic menace

This but unironically but only if you include all of the Germanics, like the Anglo-Saxons and Nordics

Don't forget the god damn Franks or Lombards.

You know what, Europe is too far gone, let's just clear em out and let the Syrians deal with it.

Build a wall around Europe, clone neanderthals, create a preserve, and finally atone for our sin.

Based and brave new world pilled

Unironically white Americans are more Teutonic than anything else.

Europeans have a shitfit once you turn the conversation to their countries. i remember this romanian guy was talking about american politics, one superchat mentioned gypises in his country, he sperged out for half an hour afterwards.

the US is the best country in the world because of the rest of them are legitimately shit. what's the next best country? according to libs its mexico. a country that elected a mexico Coca-cola executive because he was less corrupt than their usual assholes

according to libs its mexico

I thought it's Canada. I have heard plenty wanted to flee to Canada, not the other direction.

Libs like Canada because it is predominantly white, has completely secured borders and cruely opresses their indigenous population.

Really makes you 🤔

Also dressing like a hipster is the natural look and they jail lobsters if they don't use your twitter pronouns.

It’s also full of losers.

I thought it was because we had a twink prime minister

what's the next best country? according to libs its mexico.

Excuse me?

the US is the best country in the world because of the rest of them are legitimately shit. what's the next best country? according to libs its mexico.

This is your brain on fentanyl.

i remember this romanian guy was talking about american politics, one superchat mentioned gypises in his country, he sperged out for half an hour afterwards.

You talk to Vee?

Canada, and a lot of people love the Nordic countries. Australia is up there too. I've heard South Korea is pretty good, Japan has some big issues but at least it's not the type of shithole where you get your skin flayed off by cartel members. And arguably most of Europe is only a little worse than those.

Australia is just America but with an Australian accent.

Germans are butthurt as fuck

Shouldnt have built that naval fleet and tripped the balance of power in the 1900s to 1914. Smh etetnal g*rmans


"Be careful son, I'll sue you" -Trump

They're just upset because he said it openly. I'm not really sure what over the last 250 years or so would give anyone the impression that the US really cares what europeans think.

Wait til the crucial stages of election time when EU sends you an economic shitstorm and names it Donald.

Probably partner up with China too. Get you fatso's back to Bush level stupidity.

I don't care about the Europeans

Yeah neither do I.

At least in europe people can say nigger with hard r cause no nigger is there to hear it.

I can say it hear also, nigger.

Too bad this sub is full of mayos 🤢


"I have so many targets you wouldn’t believe … We have targets all over,”

All his talk sounds like it's coming from a dumbass in a comedy show lmao, why is it always like this?

It's almost like you have to spend money toward the common defense to have a say in these things. 🤔🤔🤔

European policy these last few decades has made it clear that they will shamelessly surrender to any demand made by Putin or Trump, no matter how much it tramples on their sovereignty.

  • Invade and annex a country that's protected under treaty.
  • Shoot down your plane and kill hundreds of civilians.
  • Tell you that you can't buy oil from a certain country because we don't like the hats they wear, even though there isn't even a war going on.

If eurotrash remain this spineless, it's only a matter of time before the US & Russia come to the obvious conclusion that we should form a cartel where we dominate the continent and divide the economic spoils between us.

You really think Putin has any say on NATO countries? We’re the US bitches and we like it.

Germany basically sudoku'd their nuclear infrastructure to buy Russian natural gas in exchange for access to the greater slav market, which is why Frau Merkel is conspicuously absent whenever Western European leaders go on a round of condemning whatever Putin did this week.

Same goes for Italy and eastern Europe. Doesn’t mean that Russia will ever dare to upset American influence on the continent.

The days of the USSR are far gone and Russia is a bitch on the international stage just as much as everyone else but the US and China.

My comment was stupid, yes you are right. They can pull a little influence, but it is nothing comparable to what Russia was before.

They are still a bitch internationally.

Lmao burger logic, “if you don’t blow your whole budget on jets and tanks that rust in a lot somewhere, you’re spineless”



Be me

See lots of comments

Oh boy!

Half is just people shitposting against pizza yangpedes microwave warm takes

Fuck this. Im out. 😕😞