The psychopaths at r/politics turn upon a fucking Holocaust survivor for daring to complain about AOC minimizing his suffering.

74  2019-06-23 by 911roofer


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  1. The psychopaths at r/politics turn ... -,,

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Tbh holocaust victim is the ultimate form of idpol.

Hey maybe you guys should stop occupying- Holocaust!

Hey Israel is kind of an ethnost- holocaust!

Hey bagels are just oka-holocaust!

Based and Auschwitzpilled

It seems we didn't get all the mdegenerates.

I think it's a chapo tbh

Lefties are the new righties re: holocaust denial

Hey bagels are just oka

literally triggering me right now

exactly, its like the 20th century version of otherkin. both are just made up things people use so they can get some easy opression points and because they don't feel special enough


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both are ethnostates AND




Jewish or Christian members of "palestine" parliment?

just like hitler did, palestine has a diverse array of jews helping out in political positions

Just wait till you google Kalergi plan!

Kitchner did nothing wrong, Boers deserved it.

Ugh I can't stand any flavor of saffer.

Fokken poes

siding with anglos


Cumberland did nothing wrong.

My great grandpappy put everything on line to cage those Dutch animals I will NOT let you go around tarnishing his legacy.

tbf, those holocaust survivors are being dumb as hell.

Concentration camps existed before the Nazis and have existed after the Nazis. The camps for illegals meet the definition. It's not like she claimed that the Mexican'ts were being shoved into gas chambers and ovens.

What other things are we supposed to pretend don't exist because the Nazis were known for them? Do I minimize the suffering of holocaust survivors when I point out that the Russian Army likes to pull on a nice pair of jackboots and goose step around Red Square once in a while?

This is on par with the euphemism treadmill shit where every couple years there's a new name for retards because the last one is suddenly considered a slur.

You know exactly what these retards mean when they call everything "concentration camps."

Yes, they mean the dictionary definition, which is a correct label for these camps. No one on the left, not even tankies, are pretending that the camps are part of a final solution for the illegals.

The retarded holocaust survivors are the only people acting like she claimed that the camps are the equivalent of Auschwitz.

Wow. Being a holocaust survivor is now playing the Jewish identity politics game. Holy shit you people are disturbed.

No, being a holocaust survivor is not playing the identity politics game. Using it to fucking play identity politics is playing the identity politics game.

"Wow. Being gay is now playing the gay identity politics game. Holy shit you people are disturbed."

"Wow. Being a tranny is now playing the tranny identity politics game. Holy shit you people are disturbed."

"Wow. Being a basketball-american is now playing the black identity politics game. Holy shit you people are disturbed."

Gee whiz, I guess identity politics doesn't even exist when you put it like that!

Sure my Russian friend with a 14 day account.

something I don't agree with


The real tragedy of the Eastern Front is that, in spite of Papa Stalin's best efforts, there were survivors.

The media is using the phrase "concentration camps" because it brings up images of the Nazi death camps. To say otherwise is to be retarded. Not that what's happening isn't deplorable.

If we aren't handing each border crosser a bus ticket to their destination, a voter registration, a drivers license and a section 8 voucher then we are basically nazis.

We got all kinds of fresh shills recently.

Resubmit it just a bit longer so we can see longbotpost write something witty

These illegals can go back home whenever they want, the camps are just for people in line for asylum. I'm sure the Nazis let the Juden go when they asked to go back to wherever they immigrated from, eh? The mandatory detention is reserved for violent offenders who are also going to be processed for jail.

So please explain the difference between a concentration camp and a refugee camp such as kakuma or Bidi Bidi?

Refugee camps are literally concentration camps.

All the butthurt faggots in here need to start downvoting the dictionary.

So you literally just proved yourself wrong. There is no difference between a concentration camp and the more common refugee camp and the only reason AOC is using the more inflammatory "concentration camps" is to draw a sub textual line between these camps and the famous Nazi final solution camps. You are using a Motte and Bailey game to insinuate things you aren't prepared to actually defend.

Concentration camps existed before the Nazis and have existed after the Nazis.

Yeah and so did the swastika. You gonna put one on your car as a symbol of Tibetan good luck?

Did Commie Mommy put a concentration camp on her car?


owning property more expensive than Apple earbuds

Not happening buddy

Comparing Japanese internment to the actual fucking Holocaust, of course they do. Dae the US is literally Nazi Germany?

Their new narrative has a grain of truth that concentration weren't death camps.

However Auschwitz was a concentration camp and while I don't have the numbers at hand, a large % of people died in concentration camps due to among other things, forced labour.

Most of all the inhabitants couldn't just leave. They were held against their will.

Of course they also claim that every migrant is a refugee or asylum seeker.

Auschwitz was a large complex of concentration and extermination camps, the pinnacle of teutonic cold hearted efficiency

teutonic cold hearted efficiency

We don't deserve Nazis 😭.

It's retarded to call them concentration camps, they're using some academic papers which define concentration camps as basically a separation of a group of people. The problem is as soon as you use the phrase concentration camp you're trying to bring the negative reaction that comes with extermination camps. It's purely dishonest speech trying to to provoke an emotional response and when called out on it they can cite some academic definition that proves absolutely nothing.

as soon as you use the phrase concentration camp you're trying to bring the negative reaction that comes with extermination camps in Nazi Germany. It's purely dishonest

Couldn't have said it better myself. In popular imagination concentration camps = Nazi camps.

trying to to provoke an emotional response and when called out on it they can cite some academic definition that proves absolutely nothing.

First of all based. Second isn't this exactly the kind of bad faith stuff they're screeching about ?

Thank you for calling me based, can we have sex tomorrow, the gay kind?

I think its about time we EPICALLY destroy the pokiticscels by using the word "sealioning"


i like where this is going. we start saying this, at some point people have to start admitting that Auschwitz had swimming pools and theaters and soccer fields. Then who knows? once AOC becomes president in 2025, we can finally admit other stuff about the holocaust.

That it never happened?

Of course it did stop reading fake news!

They used the real Moon landing as a movie set to film the fake Holocaust



To them anything republicans do is a litteral nazi.

The Holocaust didn’t start with 11 million dead. It started with camps where people were mistreated and with dehumanising migrants and racial or religious minorities.

“Yes, people might be being concentrated in camps- but whaddabout da joos! They’re the only people who were ever put in camps!”

This is such a bad take that r/politics is actually right about this one. The Holocaust isn’t so deeply unique and offensive that it can’t be used as a point of reference for other human rights abuses.

“You’re an anti-Semite” is just the right wing version of “you’re a sexist bigot” now. Remember Ilhan Omar?

The Somalian whose working hard to import more terrorists to rape and destroy America?

they are trying to eat their cake and have it to by obviously trying to insert the connotation of the holocaust while saying its correct by its denotation though

Didn't know the Jews could just agree to return to their country of origin and just be let go.

TL;DR ~ Joos double their efforts to keep Trump up and get that fucking war with Iran going already

I can't tell if you're a chapo or a Mdegenerate. Either way,


can't tell if you're a chapo or a Mdegenerate.


I can't tell if you're a chapo or a Mdegenerate

Yeah no shit that's out thing here.

Imagine proving Ben Shapiro right, ever.

The tactic is meant to bog us down in a bad faith semantic debate.

Lol, yeah the meaning words doesn't really matter, only the reaction the elicit. These are just as much concentration camps as a wink is rape.