AITA for throwing away my child's makeup that makes her look like she's in her 20s turns into "to catch a predator".

27  2019-06-24 by DiogenesBelly


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. AITA for throwing away my child's m... -,,

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Ironically looking older is actually an advantage in that department. The predators actually after teenagers will bypass her. That leaves her with the predators aiming for adult women

...Isn't that the exact opposite of what happens?

That leaves her with the predators aiming for adult women

And also the men who are attracted to adult women. What could go wrong?

Makeup is a meme, if women actually want to look good they should focus on not being fat or old

It's impossible, did you know how hard cardio is for a woman?

If women want to look good they will crossdress.

AITA's userbase is skewed insanely heavily towards foids and teenagers (or, Allah forgive me, people who are both at once). This is an example of a thread which makes that perfectly clear.

The only people who should be jannies are people who don’t want to be jannies.