It's over for babydicks. Woman get a 5ft long dildo surgically removed

27  2019-06-24 by charming_tatum


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. It's over for babydicks. Woman get ... -,

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wow the new alien movie looks great

That sucking sound as itโ€™s finally removed? ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ

I know it can fit in the ass is there actually enough space in the giney or did she literally fuck her shit up

It's so small it doesn't even need handles on the sides or "lift with your knees not your back" warning sticker.


How the fuck is that possible


Sex dolls are misogynistic now excuse me while I cram a 5 foot dilly into my snatch

To be fair to the horizontally snatched, they have to have sex with chinamen. Imagine how frustrated they are.

Poor girls, but that's why mayos exist!

I'm amazed it wasn't covered with blood

How did you even fit all five feet