Redditor does not want sisters boyfriend and girlfriend to make out in front of young children. Poly people seethe.

101  2019-06-24 by TheFerrret


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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. Redditor does not want sisters boyf... -,

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YTA If Steven Universe can explain poly relationships (Flourite), then y'all can, too.



Best cartoon show ever

Had to rush the final 2 seasons


Let's be fair here, no part of it was ever truly good. Yeah the last two seasons were particularly bad, but the thing overall was subpar throughout.

idk why the show was even hyped in the first place, it was a kid's show that seemed to be only enjoyed by adults, but with the structure and writing of a kid's show. In other words, pretty bad structure and writing. That for some reason adults still ate up as if it was crack mixed with chocolate and ice cream.

The mediocrity was apparent from literally the first season. It only stayed popular, imo, for two reasons: the space rocks were all lesbians (big progressive points with the adults watching) and it had actually pretty good worldbuilding. It kept teasing you with "now look, this episode/arc/backstory sucked major ass, but there were some tantalizing bits of it you want to learn more about, right? Some stuff here you wanted to have explored? Well tune in next week and we'll maybe possibly sort of hint at telling you!"

Steven Universe

the only good cartoon was gumball

And Gravity falls

zoomer be gone

Gravity falls premiered only a year after gum all you literal tard

2008 vs 2012, zoomer cope.

... gumbal premiered in 2011 are you okay?

pilot was aired in 2008, making it officially a 2008 show. stay safe, zoomer

Imagine thinking that a 2008 unaired pilot before being picked up by a network 3 years later makes it a “2008 show”.

Btw, Gen Z started in 1995 so by your logic it’s STILL a zoomer show.


zoomer things

didnt read, written by a ZOOMER

Didn’t read, written by an unironic trap.

Drawn together.

also good

I loved that show so much.

Gravity Falls of GTFO

Batman TAS or gtfo

The Simpsons from Bart's F to Skinner's real name.

CalArts and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

now look, this episode/arc/backstory sucked major ass, but there were some tantalizing bits of it you want to learn more about, right?

Sounds like Doctor Who since RTD retired.

Flair applies to these folks

y’all kiddos comparison to some cartoon

This is peak reddit mayo

Just proving yet again that poly people are the ultimate selfish assholes lol

The worst part about them is how damn smug and sanctimonious they are, but luckily it's easy to dismiss because you know that behind the scenes of their ~progressive~ relationship is a massive shitshow

From that thread, they seem so damn irritating.

You don't know the half of it

you sound like you're speaking from experience

tell us a story snally

I wish I had a good story, but they're all so similar that they blur together:

  • Sex and/or relationship-obsessed person of below-average appearance and poor mental stability has chronic relationship drama, decides to make it better by having many relationships at once
  • Overshares to anybody who will listen about enlightened sexual escapades, brags about how ~above it all~ they are because they bang more than one person in a short period of time
  • Alienates friends and acquaintances by acting as if there's something wrong with people in normal relationships, regularly implies that non-monogamy is the true state of man (objectively false btw; there are individual differences in this matter and iirc recent research suggests that monogamy is a more successful strategy on an evolutionary level) i.e. everyone secretly wants to cheat but won't because of society, man
  • Gets sucked into poly and kinkster community because normal friends have all gotten fed up, dragging them deeper into the lifestyle
  • All the while their /~enlightened uwu~ relationships are in a constant state of crisis, with people entering and exiting the disaster at a breakneck speed
  • Person can't get their shit together and return to monogamy (or even better- spend some time alone and work on their problems) because polyamory is now a huge part of their identity and they've been preaching its glory for years
  • Everyone laughs @ them

There's usually a very certain type of person who dives into this; they treat relationships like a hobby instead of as a way to get through life with someone who is compatible with you. They claim to be sharing their ~endless love uwu~ with more people when in reality they're constantly chasing the high of the honeymoon period, forgoing meaningful relationships by distributing their time between multiple people and micromanaging every point of interaction, and pursuing the feeling of achievement they get for solving endless problems that would be less common in a healthy monogamous relationship, if they occurred at all. Poly does work on very rare occasions, but ime usually it's something that the group stumbles into and doesn't involve all of the complicated bullshit that you see in places like the polyamory sub.

Most of this applies to hardcore kinksters too but with a lot more sex crimes and abuse involved

Literally every poly person I've seen on Tinder in my city is an overweight, somehow balding woman whose wispy strands of hair are a faded technicolor relic and they're always, always age 32-35. No exceptions.

Sounds about right. The age range seems to be much wider, but the younger people probably are better at networking without tinder and the older people are probably established enough in the local kink scene to not need tinder. The ones you're interacting with are probably undataeble, have caused so much drama that they were kicked out of the local poly/kink scene, were unfairly targeted over someone else's drama and were kicked out of or left the local scene, are in a failing marriage and trying to get into poly as a softer exit, or are so lonely and desperate that they just need a warm body. It's probably a bad gamble regardless.

But how do you know these people? Are you becoming a haremfu?🧐

Cucking ain't easy

Polyamory is a quantity over quality scheme for hideous dweebs with poor hygiene.

Polyamory is a fucking cult.

I mean, they manage to have a harem and act like it's a real relationship




You sound like someone who would have been on the anti gay bandwagon 20 years ago. The only reason you aren't is thats someone told you it is now consider bad. Instead of understanding why is is bad(unethical.)

"Sometimes people love multiple people. And if everyone knows and is happy then that is fine. That is why your nephew has two mommies and one daddy."

There that should solve this super complex question. Now stop discriminating against people who have different "healthy" sex lives or relationship then you.

I can't say quite what I want to say here, so instead I'll point out that someone else used the term "throuple" in there. I'm hoping it was ironic but I don't have high hopes.

Poly people summon my inner raging trad boomer when they compare their "oppression" to homophobia. I want to seal up their polycules in a 2 dimensional flat plane and send them spinning into space, banished into the phantom zone forever. That way they can be together forever. 😁

Polyamorists are the commies of relationships.

  • okay in theory
  • goes against human nature
  • driving factor is white male coping
  • filled with sociopaths and freakshows
  • people imagine themselves being in charge and end up being cucked

Nailed it.

They're also almost always fucking nerds. Most people that feel the desperate need to get really weird really openly as far as sex are. It's like they didn't get laid until they were 24 and now they feel the need to constantly assure the rest of us that they're totally having sex, even if we'd rather not picture it.

Yah ok INCEL.

That's the typical response when you tell them they're just fucking losers.

It's like they didn't get laid until they were 24

ime there are a lot of kids like this in high school. But they were all repulsive and socially awkward, naturally

Just the second one for me.


I've been told that I'm cute by girls before. Get coped on.

Cute in an endearing downie kind of way, perhaps.

Nope, one wanted to make out with me too.

Relatives don't count

As someone who used to dabble in the kink community, theres a high correlation between alt sexual tastes and just general retardation. orientations get twisted into "poly, demi, heteroflexible, ext", lifestyle choices get these autistically grandiose significance attached to them.

Its why gay pride parades went from gay dudes showcasing how normal they are to asshats in gimp suits on leashes. Being gay isn't a lifestyle choice, hardcore bondage is, and acting like they're the same is retarded.

I’m not even poly but that was painful to read it was so on target

I feel like the clown world people might pick up steam if they focused on shit like this rather than black people existing

Well you see they're stupid so

im pretty sure im whatever drama's version of clownpilled is. everything is just so absurd and tiring to deal with at this point.

Poly is not only standard degeneracy, its foundation is on the lie that the sex perverts who practice it are better than the normies because “you need sooooo much love and trust” and “our capacity for love grows beyond one person.”

It’s satanic body worship. No wonder there’s a huge overlap with it and autogynophilia


Is that like when a girl eats herself out?

It's an old word for trannies

The butthurt (vaghurt?) TERFs on r/itsafetish use that word constantly

It refers to people who identify as a trans not because they have dysphoria but because they have some fetish or impulse to be another gender.

Which is like 90% of mtf trans.

Transbians! Omg im such a girl . . . By the way Im exclusively attracted to other mtfs

almost always only after cis women




A term for trannies being attracted to the idea of having a female body. You’ll see it pop up in gender critical fairly often.

That would be autofellatio.

It’s satanic body worship

I was almost agreeing with you then you say something fucktarded.

Satanism is the pursuit of selfish desires and egotism. It’s the perfect descriptor.

the 14th century called, it wants its worldview back

Uhm sweaty, sugar pie, bugum woogums, feel free to say that to modern satanists :)))))

Adherents to the philosophy have described Satanism as a non-spiritual religion of the flesh, or "...the world's first carnal religion".

Yeah, and adherents to my bussy have described it as "the world's tightest hole". It doesn't mean anything. The fact is that beliefs of the dangers of Satanism first became a thing during the Spanish Inquisition lmao. They literally thought the earth was the center of the universe and that witches practiced evil magic from the devil and could be identified by tying weights to them and seeing if they would float. It's literally a medieval worldview lmao. Why not just talk like a normal modern educated person and call it "deviant", "degenerate", "pathological"? It gets the same message across and doesn't make you come off as a medieval cuck.

You’re a retard. Satanism isn’t devil worship, can you read?

You can condemn mindless hedonism on its own terms. We have the language for it. Referencing satan just makes you look like a hysterical backwoods retard. I'm telling you to reference another book.

iT‘s 2019 sWeAtY

Repent sinner

Based and occult-pilled.

I want to seal up their polycules in a two dimensional flat plane

Is this from the next sequel to the The Three Body Problem series?

We should do that to the author for supporting genocide.

TIL that my dad who was opposed to me becoming a boy scout because he didn't like their exclusion of gays was actually secretly homophobic because 12 years later he doesn't get poly relationships.

Chompy enough is ENOUGH STOP BANNING MY ALTS!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡


Pleaye unban u\transniglet, u\traansniglet, u\traaansniglet, u\trannyglet and any others I forgot

Polygamy is based when it's in cults or Mormonism and there's only one guy per relationship.

Or Ottoman harem, inshallah

imagine if all of these people were put in nice little small houses far away from us and we never had to interact with them again

They'd leave those houses, come to wherever we are, then complain that they were homeless.

That’s what Portland and Brooklyn are for

You're not an asshole for not wanting your sister to bring her family fuck toy

Her boyfriend's fucktoy

She's an asshole for not at least sharing the fuck toy with you and dad tbh.

This is how we know the sister is autistic. Why do you want to include your family in your kinks?

why do people have to stress how liberal they are before offering advice/critique?

be an adult and sack up cunts

why do people have to stress how liberal they are before offering advice/critique?

Redditors are easily outraged. Doing so is an attempt to make their reaction less extreme.

why do people have to stress how liberal they are before offering advice/critique?

Because the usual rebuttal is "HEY THIS GUY POSTS IN LE_BLUMPF - DISREGARD."

i know you want to foam at the mouth but its pretty clear liberal in this context means more "open-minded" not politics.

I'm pretty sure this guy means it both ways.

yeah ok i take it back that made me cringe

Imagine literally being this wrong

eat my asshole

Solid but hard pass


I'll show you something solid and hard

why do people have to stress how liberal they are before offering advice/critique?

Not to meme a buzzword, but it's literally virtue signaling.

I had thought that poly relationships were generally accepted in society today, but reading through this thread shows that's certainly not the case. Almost every argument is the same stuff you would hear from homophobes, but since it is about a poly relationship it is suddenly okay. Some weird double standards in whats been deemed acceptable.

Man talk about living in a bubble.

Everyone else is married literally no one else is dating... gah!

I don’t know, though. At what point do you let the kids know about a throuple, then? What happens when they find out Fun Roommate Sally is really an extra aunt, in love with Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione - won’t they feel the fact this information was hidden from them signals that there’s shame involved?


They're the next deviant group to want more rights aren't they? They will be next focus after trannies.

I think it’ll be harder for them to be accepted into society, mostly because polygamy is usually tied to extreme religious groups. Like Islam and Mormons

This is what people said about trannies.

I think it’ll be harder for them to be accepted into society,

Yeah you’re probably right

slippery slope not real tho

But the left loves Islam now.

They're going to be fighting with kidfuckers and dogfuckers, but will edge both out

This one is so stupid that it could be true.


Lel, post was locked due to ‘brigading’ an hour after this post went up.

I honestly tried to see the other side of the argument. Like, I wouldn't be ok with it... But am I an asshole for not being ok with it? Then I saw this comment.

"she's asking for her family and children to be ok with a kink."

Is polyamory a kink? Or is it a legitimate sexuality? I mean, I'm always against "no PDA". Anything short of a making out should be game, even with children around imo. I still think of it as a kink... Does that make me an asshole?

Poly shit is societal rot.

lmao @ polyamory degenerates comparing being an immature impulsive loser to being gay

It’s amazing how seamlessly these people move between “why do you care? it’s none of your business and doesn’t affect you in any way” to “you must not only accept this, you must be ok with it being displayed in front of your kids and you must promote it to your children as a normal and healthy lifestyle.”

Give these people an inch. It’s like the trans thing: “Why is it any of your business if a grown adult man chooses to identify as a wo.....oh now there’s mandatory trans lessons in your school with a naked drag queen, and if you object you’re Hitler.”

So you're trying to move an inch and you end up going a lot further?

🤔🤔🤔 Almost like you're traveling downwards on some sort of... greasy decline


this is one of those times when it's clear that Reddit isn't a representative sample of adults


Poly people remind me a lot of high school band fags and their gross relationships. Take the ugliest, most obnoxiously annoying nerds and put them in disgustingly intense relationships with tons of pda which they mistake for love then watch them descend into months long misery when their fake relationship breaks up, all the while being so obnoxious that you feel absolutely no pity for them.