It's over for Chadfishcels.

70  2019-06-24 by ethicsssss


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. It's over for Chadfishcels. -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

word* you retarded monkey.

Even bots aren't safe from mental illnesses.

They hated Chadfish because he told them the truth.

They can make a new one, depending on why this happened.

If it happened because they were harassing the foid mods, then they can make a new chadfish without the f*ids. If its just because of the nature of the content of that sub. Well, its over then.

fucking admins man, the one kernel of truth and they had to squash it.

I love how they think it is some sort of conspiracy that only hotties get to smash on a fuck app.

Meh you will get some bluepill types who will argue until they're blue in the face that they have a fat 5'4" Brown friend who's super outgoing and showers a lot that slays a ton.

Maybe it's just bad parenting. Has no one told either of these two types that life isn't fair?

Participation medal mentality

The most successful guy I know (in terms of pussy gotten from tinder and other apps) seriously looks like Ellen defenders so I feel like looks aren’t as important as incels think

Yeah, it's money.

But it's hard to get money when you live in your mind basement and complain about being a virgin at 34.

It's also fucking stupid. Men care about looks way more than women do. At least if you're a male you can add things like status to attract women. No one wants to pair with ugly women.

I fucked a girl who weighed a buck 80 over paying 19 dollars for a Uber once. So this is just false.

Any port in a storm player

Men care about looks way more than women do.

Well yes, but actually no.

The point was more to show just how depraved you can be and still get laid on Tinder. It was actually depressing to see people openly say "well you're a child molester but you're hot so wanna bang?"

Women are children.

Women also have rape fantasies.

What do you think happens when they meet a guy who rapes kids and is hot?

I'm surprised they don't dehydrate and die from that tbh.

Women in a nutshell tbh.

That was “proven” for men years ago. It’s also obvious and stupid

There are plenty of retards on subs like inceltears who insist that personality matters the most, so i wouldn't say it's obvious.

They're very aware. That's why the COPEpost a lot about it.

Personality does matter when it comes to getting to know people, and there are plenty of ugly people in relationships. Hookup apps tho...

Its more that personality only starts to matter after "first impressions".

Confidence matters a lot, which is a personality trait for sure, just not how a lot of people like to simplify it.

Confidence makes you more socially outgoing and helps you be willing to do things to increase your social skills. Both are great for getting women, but it's still not as simple as telling someone to just be confident. It's more like be confident enough to go out and try and likely fail until you learn how to actually talk to women, eventually you're going to actually get enough social skills for one to bob on your knob".

Confidence needs to be paired empathy or at least an ability to read social cues. Otherwise one is just going to set themselves up for a nasty feedback loop. I'd even venture that irrational confidence is worse than low, but rational confidence. Although, if you're charismatic and a bit of a sociopath, just be confident goes a long way.

Yep, this is honestly a great take. I used to be a really out of shape, awkward guy with no sense of style or self-confidence to speak of. A lot of trial and error with every department, a willingness to be rejected, and attempts to incorporate feedback has gone a long way, I've been pretty damn successful in the dating/sex marketplace.

Last night just had a first date with a ridiculously cute chick, took her back to my apartment and had some fucking great kinky ass sex on my shit bed. Next date were going to Ikea, buying a bedframe, putting it together, throwing my new matress on there and fucking like rabbits. I say this partially to brag but also to dab on chappos lurking here by combining the two things they hate most: consumerism and men who actually have sex.

Oh man if that depresses you wait till you actually get to know a woman irl and hear the retarded shit 90% of them think

they think it is some sort of conspiracy that only hotties get to smash

I don't think that's what they believe. I think they believe there is no way for them to improve their situation.

People tell them (for example, right here in this thread) that if only they would make a few simple changes, they could have success in dating too.

There are two ways to find out if that's true or not. The first would be to actually improve themselves and hit up tinder. The problem with this plan is, no matter what they do, if they fail people are going to say "you're still being creepy." The other way is to be intentionally creepy but from a profile that's attractive.

That was fast.

Reminder that every "incel" is a volcel who's just too autistic to actually present themselves like a normal member of society. Reminder that they usually have an inflated sense of self-worth and always try to play out of their league. Reminder that they are unable to accept their own incompetency as a reason for their inability to get laid and so make up elaborate conspiracies to justify their inceldom.

Incels downvote in drama.

What if i always upvote but only get laid when i drug 15 year olds?

lay or get laid

Then you're a libertarian

libtards aren't that smart

Unironically this.

It's honest to god so easy to put yourself above average in today's world.

Wear anything besides shitty T-shirts and hoodies? Congratulations, you have a sense of fashion.

Not fat? Congratulations, you have a good body.

Have any hobbies aside from vidya? Congratulations, you are now interesting.

Aside from being a bunch of sociopaths, most Incels would be able to get laid if they did anything else with their time.

Honestly you can be fat if you take lifting seriously. Not a popular opinion but just saying, it never stopped me.

Hobbies help, but not if you are too autistic about them. I think incels just care too much about sex. The desperation is like a Chinese-finger trap.

There's a huge difference between strong fat and just fat which is what most of them are. If you have the discipline to work out on a regular basis it's an entirely different ball park.

I suppose that’s true. Crazy that people can be okay not doing some kind of exercise ever.

I dunno. I've had severe backpain issues for ages due to a car accident and it would be very easy for me to say fuck it to anything physical. I don't for my own health, but the temptation to just stay home is still there.

Fair enough. What I mean by hobbies is something interesting that you like to do, aside from autistic stuff like video games or train watching or Reddit.

None of this cures their social retardation, which, let's be honest, is probably the real root of their whining.

What is wrong with wearing t shirts? Should someone dress like a jojo character every day to slay some man p(b)ussy?

Try wearing an actual shirt, you manbaby.

What did he mean by this?

Lol. No.

I won't let the terrorists win.


Don't listen to the betas here jeans + a crew neck plain t shirt is the GOAT looks

Virgin trend vs chad simple style

It depends on your age, culture, and what the shirt is.

If you're wearing around your favorite oversized, I'll-fitted capeshit shirt and wondering why you aren't swimming in gussy like Captain America than you're beyond hope, but if you actually wear well-fitted shirts and understand basic color coordination you're fine.

I pretty much have blue to black shirts. Mainly navy and black shirts. And jeans of course. I think I own no shirt with designs like capeshit ones.

Blue and black are good, but I'd expand a little. Next Level Apparel is cheap, comfy, and has decent fits depending on your body type and they come in crew necks and v-neck that aren't autistically low and actually look good.

Maroon, grey, white, and maybe even a darker green if you want something a bit different. Dark blue jeans and a fairly light blue pair of jeans are good, too. Henleys are nice for a good casual but also kind of different look, my short sleeved one is my go-to for a first date. Also, cologne is good but only if you have good cologne, which you can get fairly affordably. Perry Ellis 360 Red is fantastic for a warm weather, affordable cologne.

I can't stand v necks tbh. And I don't ever use cologne just stick deodorant like a stupid normie. I am always scared that it smells too much though. Thanks for this btw

Trust me, just give the 360 red a shot and you'll love it. Two spurts on the neck by your arteries 10-15 minutes before you go somewhere and you'll smell great, it's not overpowering and it's got a genuinely great smell that I've gotten compliments on numerous times. Just don't put it on right before you walk out the door or it'll be overpowering for a little bit (like all cologne).

Obviously your call, but shit it's like 25 bucks

Alright I will try it, thanks again!

I go all in with Abercrombie & Fitch Fierce cologne. Shits expensive but it always gets compliments

Never worn it but if you want to find new ones go to, it's great for finding new scents.

Thanks bro I’ll check it out

I’ve recently been wearing dark almost black straight cut jeans with a white polo shirt or khaki pants with navy/black polo shirt (all polo shirts wear a plain white crew cut under it) and dark tan loafers. It’s a pretty good look i think

Depends on the shirt and context. Plain shirts or tasteful graphics, with good fabric, is usually fine for casual stuff. Poorly fitted shirts or shirts with generic brands or pop culture bullshit are bad

Attention all incels:

This ugly fat fuck with disgusting teeth (CLICK ON YOUR OWN RISK) and awful personality (for more info on this, look at /r/SamandTolki ) managed to get a wife, and that was before he was Youtube famous.

If he can do it, so can you, there's no excuse.

$$$$$$$$ got him better teeth and pussy well above his smv

Yes, but this is only true because the standard for today's society is so catastrophically low.

Not being obese and having a hobby other than videogames puts you above 99% of the average person.

I wonder what this would look like if you replace "incel" with "poorcel".

Reminder that every "poorcel" is a liberal arts major who's just too autistic to actually present themselves like a productive member of society. Reminder that they usually have an inflated sense of self-worth and always try to play out of their league. Reminder that they are unable to accept their own incompetency as a reason for their inability to get a decent job and so make up elaborate conspiracies to justify their continued unimportance and poverty.


Porn has created the new wave of incel menace. Change my mind

lmao I guess it was because of the amount of PMS to the female mod?

I saved the one of the pedo lovers. They will go down in history.

Holy hell, that was a legit quality sub producing one of the highest amount of cope and seethe in the last few months. Hope it comes back with even bigger cock energy.

I love cock energy.

Wonder how long TyroneFish would last.

Damn that sub was actually kinda funny

If Reddit really wanted to stop new incels from being created, it would just ban all of the anime subs CMV.

You forgot about the vidya subs

Also drama subs


What happened? Did they advocate rape and throwing acid on people again?

Don’t worry lurid disease-infested sluts. More and more will be set up.