A joke about India's lack of indoor plumbing results in a shit storm

41  2019-06-24 by riotouspug


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Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. A joke about India's lack of indoor... - archive.org, archive.today

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You must be confusing it with your banana republic. One that's cool with Nazis marching in the streets, a police force that shoots black youth with impunity, has entire cities without drinking water (Flint), commits genocide of its native population, puts kids in cages, denies climate change, yet is the planet's biggest polluter.

Pretty sure India has all those things but times x100 lol

Street shitter/Paki drama never seems to catch on here because our fellow Pajeet and cousin fucker drama users are so autistic they take personal offense.

Shark_Life was an expert.

Rest in piece ed

Being exhibited here as well.

I don't even bother posting it any more they just reee a few times and tell you it isn't drama and it gets down voted before it really gets seen.

/r/bakchodi does it better than we ever could

The drinking water comment makes me think this guy is trolling. No way anyone could be this retarded

Nah man probably just a really rich Indian kid who is mega sheltered.

Nah, those types are more self hating. It's mostly middle aged middle class niggas

Anti-Americanism on reddit is so ingrained that you will see people completely seriously suggesting that India/China/Latin America is unironically less racist, less corrupt, less authoritarian, etc. than America. It's astounding.

AmeriKKKKKKKKKa bad except for AOC 😍😍😍 and Cali 🏝

China is the world's largest polluter by a wide margin and India is 3rd overall. India would also be much higher if they had any semblance of a real economy for how many people that they have.

The police force in india is very corrupt, maybe america isn't the best (according to reddit) but you're probably not going to see little kids begging for water and food in the traffic at least






Underrated title

I like how europoors and amerimutts don't know a huge amounts of autism in these two countries as they're too autistic to think about anything that goes on outside their country, only touching upon boring ass shit like streetshittas and call centas. Self hating niggas go on joining in on the pajeet bashing and butthurt r/bakchodi, r/hinduism fags speaking out as if reddit doesn't already bash amerimutts and europoors.

South Asian drama underrated af tho.

Superpower by 2020

Less than 6 months to go.


Breaking News: Self loathing street shitter has mental breakdown

Cant wait till Palestine nukes India then we can have justification to wipe them out thus making the Middle East slightly better with those two gone.

They usually have bathrooms and showers outside, not fun