Incel wants to rescue women from Chadfishing.

53  2019-06-24 by album1


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  1. Incel wants to rescue women from Ch... -,,

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Lmao I saw that

Imagine being that much of a white knight

lol I barely even learned about this sub and now it's gone. Adding a foid mod really did kill it.

It wasn't a real foid, just an alt of a mod.

So a tranny then?

He thought having a female mod would protect the sub.

Imagine having to use someone else’s pictures to make a chadfish. Holy fuck ugly people are hilarious

Based and attractivepilled

Best Romulus strikes again. Tell ur broke face twin he’s not welcome

I kinda like him. He's like my mayo sidekick.

I do 2. Both of you are everyone a simple man could ask for in a shitposting sub.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚A crumb of pussy?🐱🐱🐱

This guy definitely thinks that if he does this, tons of woman will be thanking him and want to meet irl to suck him off lol.

Good boy is getting 2 crumbs of pussy tonight.

Man, I wish chadfish could have gotten bigger. There was some great potential drama to be mined.


They care so goddamn much. It's like they actually think that getting a subreddit banned makes the things they talk about cease to exist. I don't get "deplatformers," these people are just going to hang out on 8chan or something instead.

What a fucking good boy fag. Like a true male feminist he's going to save those women from themselves.

These people are completely stuck in their own little hellhole. Studies show that being an attractive man or woman lets you get away with a lot. People always rate you as more trusting and moral etc. It's just that these people are obsessed with women so they think they're at fault. Gotta cross reference if you're gonna hold court.