And it keeps going. Warning: unvaccinated lolcow inside

12  2019-06-24 by le_epic_xd_part_2


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. And it keeps going. Warning: unvacc... -,,

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Please leave me alone

Post hog, chud😍

Falling this hard for tranny bait

Shh, it's real if you just imagine

Almost as real as you becoming a girl after you chop off your balls.

Doesn't that make us just as retarded then?

In which shit unexpectedly didn't just take a one-way trip across the fence.

Lol you made her sperg so hard she deleted her account


Didn’t get to see the mess. I bet it was great. Lolcows are quite fun to mess with and observe in their natural safe spaces and habitats.