Pete Thiccbutt held a town hall in his home town. It didn’t go well.

30  2019-06-24 by Ghdust2


His test results were 100% fagginosis, and a partial Tardination of the Brain Ganglia. The boards verdict is repeated quadrasperg alignments.


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Air horn x4

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Pete Thiccbutt held a town hall in ... -,

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Sassy black women should be barred from any sort of political events.

Might as well ban the man from his own event, then. Every gay guy is a sassy black woman in a male's body.

After taking office in 2012, Buttigieg forced out the city’s first black police chief, who had been accused of improperly recording white police officers making racist comments, according to the Times.

Fucking ungrateful uppity niggers. We gave them discipline, jobs, put structure in their lives, took them out the jungle. And what they do to show their appreciation? They march up and die in the street. They vote, carry on. Ingrates.


Now that’s edgy

I know you're supposed to upvote lolcows, but i can't bring myself to do it here

All we'd probably get out of him is "Reeeee niggers"

No point in milking the cow when the milks already curdled

Feepo did it first and best

This is just a pathetic attempt at trolling. 4 day old account, obscure offensive username, I'm not saying for sure that this is Pizza but if it is, you can do better than that. If not, then cut your internet line with pliers because your work is never going to improve if this is how you are going to waste such a good username.

The funny thing about the username is that the reference is incorrect. Dachau was a work camp. The "showers" were at Auschwitz.

Did you just compare the camps for migrants at the border to the Holocaust?


Oh yeah, wrong thread. Read my comment history to get the shitty irony I was going for.

There were no showers

Yikes bad troll or you sipped too much pol aid infographics

Try harder

Try harder. Do better.

who let in the MDEfugee?

For the last time we were a sub of peace.

Pretty sure it's pizzashill on an alt acct

The police chief was being investigated by the FBI for illegally wiretapping his employees.

Is that a quote from the rundown?

uncle ruckus

This guy has been college dems' Golden Boy for only two months and he's already falling from Grace and getting cancelled.

Black people and wokes have cancelled the Booty for months already

i dont get it, black people always vote democrat anyway, trying to pander to them directly just gets u canceled cause u didnt woke well enough

you need to win some of them to win the primary and thick Pete has like ~0% support among them

yeah but even in the primary u just offer more bux and say equality a few times, u dont get in the middle of the woke

He was starting to get traction in some of the SC polls, but that's probably all over for him now.

I wouldn't discount him just yet, after Biden he's the second-best 'moderate' alternative for democrats and Biden is very likely, though not certain, to fuck up

He's not really that moderate if you take into account all the structural reforms he talks about. In any case, his campaign has succeeded probably beyond his wildest dreams insofar as he staked out a claim as the leading millennial Democrat. But if Biden falls, I bet Harris becomes the moderate lane choice.

Poor Beto, already forgotten 😂

doesn't he already have 0% black support in South Carolina polls lol

No he was rising somewhat and people like Jonathan Capeheart were talking him up. Not that he was ever going to win SC.

Lmao imagine thinking a gay man can get the black vote 🤣🤣🤣

The deep state put a hit out on pete. Biden got the black council on his ass

Trusting burger calls is like trusting women

Its a good way to ruin your life

>dome dindu gets shot by a pig for trying to attack the pig with a knife while said pig was investigating car break-ins in the neighborhood

>dindus freakout and fellow dindu getting killed

>desperate Pete Bootyjudge--with 0% of the black vote--decides to not go to an event to pander to black people and instead go back home to pander to black people

>dindus yell at Bootyjudge for some reason and claim he will never get their vote

pretty good stuff