SRD debates whether it's okay to swap out your boyfriend's burger with a vegan one in response to AITA bait

39  2019-06-24 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


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I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. SRD debates whether it's okay to sw... -,,

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SRDines will always take the foid's side no matter what.

I remember this one post where this dude brutally raped his gf, killed her dog and then ate her parents and the SRDines were white knighting the entire thread and shitting on the guy for no reason at all.

Day of the can, when?

This is the kind of SRDine apologia that I'd like to see less of here.

Hey buddy, are we gonna have a problem here? That sort of talk really seems a little fishy

Ur right ignore the haters

This but unironically

Does not eating meat hurt your mental health because I dont think ive ever met a non mentally ill vegan

Unironically yes. You can only get vitamin B12 from animal products and supplements, and the supplements can be harder for the body to absorb. B12 deficiency dramatically fucks up neurological and mental health.

All you gotta do is take a pill a day to get that sweet, sweet dirt bacteria that meat is naturally covered in. Animal products do not naturally have b12 themselves, its all the bacteria

Source: am vegetariancel

Depends on the pill. I took a pill a day as a vegan and got b12 deficient as fuck anyway because supplements aren't well-regulated.

Ovo-lacto vegetarians are the radical centrists of human diets.

I eat meat but only consume human eggs and milk.

gib eggies mommy 🤤😫

One of my best female friends became vegan and literally last night I was telling her that if she doesn’t start actually eating some sort of meat again I’m going to euthanize her

It's unfair to you that she's putting that burden on you.

I told her something similar

female friends

gross why

At this point I’m unsure. It’s taxing on my mental health.

Demand payment for your emotional labor.

She has nothing to offer she unironically drives a Nissan Sentra and more then once I have had to Venmo her money so she doesn’t starve. Foids, such a meme. But I also acknowledge the cuckoldry of insuring she doesn’t die

more then once I have had to Venmo her money so she doesn’t starve


Unironically bring back indentured servitude for “people” like her

Yes I am a vegan and I post on r/Drama so I think that speaks for itself

SRDines detect the bait, and rather than laugh at the yards going off in the replies, they decide to also have a giant spergfest over who was really the asshole here.

Like what is the fucking point of doing this with obvious bait?

They're retards, mate. They just do as they do. Don't try to understand them and they're autism. They understand each other and they eat each other alive because of it

Not all vegans are fucking insufferable, but it does seem to be a lifestyle that attracts people who are already self-righteous cunts.

Not all vegans are fucking insufferable,


All the ones om the internet are tbh

but it does seem to be a lifestyle that attracts people who are already self-righteous cunts.

It's probably the "I don't kill little animals or pollute as much, which makes me a better person than you" part that does this.

Well that and the internet, internet managed to make even atheism, position that's completely normal in the west and shouldn't serve as a gathering point for community as it doesn't make you special or interesting in any way, look completely mentally unhinged.

The ones that do it for diet reasons are fine. The ones that do it for other shit like the poor animals are fucking losers.

You can tell SRDines were the insufferable hall monitor kids at school. They are absolutely obsessed with "rules" and moral superiority.