Yikes... This is kinda cringe, benny boy

117  2019-06-24 by le_epic_xd_part_2


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Yikes... This is kinda cringe, benn... - archive.org, archive.today

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I long to have Ben Garrison's job.

I understand literally none of this. I like the soyboys quilt though.

Even for Ben Garrison's standards this is some wild shit.

uh... i think i need more labels on this one.

I believe he is saying that the left is fearing the boogyman that is memes,

Art like Ben Garrison's is mainly up to the viewer to get their own meaning from it.

Michelangelo died for this

Thinking Mad TV is relevant in current year is top tier boomershit

I don't hold any of the news organizations listed in particular esteem. Why the fuck do right wingers assume that the most left wing thing possible is to treat CNN as the word of God. If anything it's centrists and the center left that still hold to the myth of the respectable news organizations. The actual left is waking up af realizing that these news organizations have huge problems and use nearly Orwellian thinking regularly.

Also please don't talk to me about how bad CNN is if you read Breitbart or watch Fox News. CNN being shit doesn't somehow make your shit any better. Often the right wing 'alternative media' doing the exact same shit, reporting on the exact same shit, but just altering the framing a little bit.

In fact we in America are in the imperial core of the beast, virtually every news source is garbage. Bari Weiss is the new York times. Not some radical revolutionary socialist.

Because dispite the right wing using them as their boogiemen, no one considers or cares what tankies think.

Know your fucking place, red. It’s being an attack dog for the center left, and shushing your trap when you aren’t wanted.

I don't hold any of the news organizations listed in particular esteem. Why the fuck do left wingers assume that the most right wing thing possible is to treat Fox News as the word of God. If anything it's centrists and the center right that still hold to the myth of the respectable news organizations. The actual right is waking up af realizing that these news organizations have huge problems and use nearly Orwellian thinking regularly.

Also please don't talk to me about how bad Fox is if you read MSNBC or watch CNN. Fox being shit doesn't somehow make your shit any better. Often the left wing 'alternative media' doing the exact same shit, reporting on the exact same shit, but just altering the framing a little bit.

In fact we in America are in the imperial core of the beast, virtually every news source is garbage. Andrew Breitbart is Breitbart News. Not some radical anti-israel nazi.

... Pepe is from Trinidad and Tobago?

Ben doesn't have the stones to throw a nazi flag up.



I think that is the Trinidad flag. Pretty much a meme state, though.

was going to make a quillette joke but I don't get this meme

It was only a matter of time until Reddit's fucking dumb obsession with Keanu (whom I actually like) brought him into being some political figure against his own will.

Where's Keanu in this comic?

Top left

Can't even recognize him, personally. I thought he had brown hair lol. Why's he have a sword, too? Was he in Game of Thrones or something?

Keanu is what every pasty white Redditor projects themselves onto, except they miss the pretty important distinctions that makes Keanu a movie star and themselves basement dwellers.

I'm pretty sure that's Jon Snow.

My point still stands about Keanu

Where the fuck did this worshipful behavior towards Keanu come from. And people are like harassing a kid because he didn't know who Keanu Reeves was? Like who gives a fuck if he recognizes some celebrity?

He's finally snapped

Commission from "Literally who?" tier Solmemes?


Oh my god, is Ben "Shoot and persecute the destitute" Garrison, dare I say it, secretly based?

What does this mean. Where is a fentanyl translator.

Ah yes, the left's crippling fear of Alfred E. Neumann.

Why Ben “Jews did 9/11” Garrison has got to bring my boy, Alfred in this? 😢

Why the upside down trinidad flag


WHAT did he mean by this?

OK, so I'm not gonna spend too much time trying to figure this shit out without a dose of narcan nearby. That said, this is what I think is going on.

There is a rather large rightwing meme culture, even if it's mostly pepes and wojacks and 14% and what not. Most people who spend time on reddit and 4chan can see it clearly, and on the rare occasion I use Facebook I can even see some of it there. Since Ben is a boomer (I.e. confused and out of touch) I think he believes this means all meme culture is rightwing. Therefore, any group he sees as being part of meme culture is part of the rightwing antimedia populist ddf circlejerk in his fent-glazed eyes, and now we have this fuckin masterpiece

He's right about the memes tho, lefty memes are pathetic.

implying saying honk honk and talking like a retard is not pathetic

I never implied that, those fucksticks are at least as mongo

anti-right memes are great

lefty memes are usually just as bad as the worst of right-wing memes (pedes and all)

yet more proof that sardonically opposing everything resembling an actual ideology is the true path to centrism

media = bad

Garrison is providing free (?) advertising for his favourite boomer meme warriors.

That's literally all there is to it.

This actually explains it. Thanks

It only explains it in a literal sense. The premise of this comic makes no sense at all lol

Wow I wanna kill myself after reading this

> Maga manga style video comic books



SQL memes are a thing?


Is he so fast at generating content that he drew and uploaded this within a single brain hemorrhage?

I see you Ganon.

Am I not online enough to get the joke? I am sorry sensei I have failed you.

You're not on the boomer internet enough to get the joke.

I have learned the error of my ways. I now know the origin of those dumb MAGA photoshop videos

Drugs bad.

How did he know about my crippling fear of MAD Magazine and the Karate Kid spin-off?


"Trump Derangement Syndrome"

It is zyklon ben garrison we're talking about here, so I had to ask

Donald Trump is clearly labeled as a "mad liberal".

Ben has spoken, Trump has been canceled.

Garrison has finally transcended into Dadaist shitposting

OK, I somewhat get what he's going for with the other people, but why is Trump in both a Greek kotinos and a 17th century ruff? Ben's getting his wealthy elite fashion all mixed up, time period wise.

Dihh ihh rayray

Now that you said that I see it with the sword but that really does look like Keanu