In which I purposefully start a circumcision debate just because I know foreskinlets will get mad.

1  2019-06-24 by shamooooooooo


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. In which I purposefully start a cir... -,

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I would make a cutcel joke.

But I'm not gonna put an effort.

Instead I'll say this - posting a selfpost about your own low effort bait "drama" is pathetic. At least have a little class and use an alt, you twat.

Hell no bitch.

Non-therapeutic infant circumcision should be illegal in the case of both genders.

Why do you care about other kid's dicks lol

"It should be illegal to cut off an infant's arm."

"Why do you care about other kid's arms lol"

Nah. My future kid is getting the snip if it's a boy. Don't care who doesn't like it.

Why do you wanna cuck your kid bro

He’s a faggot thats why isn’t it obv ?

You should.just cut it all the way off and choose his gender for him

fucking ((( burgers )))

Dude bussy lmao

Every women I’ve ever hear of talking about penises say they look gross. Cut or uncut. Either way women don’t like the way penises look.

Furthermore, women that grew up in places that don’t practice the barbaric ritual—like Latin America—think it’s wrong to do such things to baby boys.

Also, would men preferring circumcised female be a good excuse for female genitalia mutilation? I think not.

Imagine being this loser and never experiencing a partner who likes your penis