/r/HistoryMemes makes a joke at the expense of mayos. Rightoid mayos pretend that they think racial humor is racist in the comments.

59  2019-06-25 by -Mopsus-


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The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. /r/HistoryMemes makes a joke at the... - archive.org, archive.today

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RE4 was pretty sweet back in the day actually

Lol nerd. I beat up nerds.

Try it buddy, I'm not a soft target like a Brit or something.

Brits are the worst aren’t they.

Easily worse than crackhead, serial-killing, pedo furries

Literally worse than the most methed out, fent sucking, double wide living, gun toting, bible thumping, jacked Dodge Ram, Arkansas resident you know.

featuring people spamming the nwordcountbot and an argument about crime statistics in America

Nothing triggers mayo fragility quite as much as showing them they're actually more stupid than the colored savages that are supposed to be inferior to them.

Mayos eternally mad.

The meme isn't even offensive whatsoever. Fucking rightoids

Yeah like often I'll read some dumb "white people amiright lol" meme and it's obviously made by an American who's thinking exclusively of mid-westerners. But this one is pretty accurate to how the European powers thought when they encountered appropriately civilised civilisations.

71% upvoted


i think this post unironically triggered some people, because all of the comments were getting downvoted earlier

Yeah, no shit. r/Drama has become a den of rampant whitoids and unironic CAutists lately.

There's too much judging and not enough mocking tbh - that's what should separate drama from SRD and rest of reddit but the ratio is getting worse.

The best way to achieve peak mayo bussyblasting on this site is to bring up colonialism. It triggers an albino chimpout every time.

The Mayo is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a pasty, honkey, coloniser, cracker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Mayo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Imagine being a mayo.

The mind boggles

A fate worse than death

I'd rather not puke.

No thank you.


mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad

The funny thing about that thread is all the mayo mutts acting like they have culture

Nuh uh Mayos have culture colonizing is an important part of it but is sadly being erased.

It's not okay to be white




Dare I say...


I miss DistortedLines hot takes being stickied.

This is weak.

why is DistortedLines no longer a mod?

Let’s just be honest. The white devil is real.

Louis Farrakhan was never proven wrong cmv

can't believe they banned him from facebook for being anti-termite

It's hard defending mayos from woke twitter when they keep getting offended over small jokes like this.

Iimagine defending mayos.

I love resident evil 4 simply because the plagas (zombie dudes) speak Spanish but only say Spanish swear words.