Thicc girl graduates.

33  2019-06-25 by xlhat


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Thicc girl graduates. -,

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Fat people... 😨🤢🤮🤮

Fat mayos... 😨 😨 😨 😨 😨


This but unironically

The real problem is women using the Internet without a chaperone.

Her father, brother, uncle or husband should have prevented this.


She isnt chubby though, she is dead at 50 fat.

Based. On one hand, fat acceptance is mayocide, but it's also disgusting. We need a new attack vector that's less disgusting.

not eating and still drinking extremely heavily

you stay skinnyfat while all your organs muscles rot

lots of vomit and piss and shit and blood tho

Daddy's master plan is to turn us into Russia by increasing our rates of alcoholism and stripping foid rights. 4D chess: turn US foids into hot mail order brides. Who says no?

Hispanics (47.0%) and non-Hispanic blacks (46.8%) had the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity, followed by non-Hispanic whites (37.9%) and non-Hispanic Asians (12.7%).

Based Asians

All cases of Yakubian devilry.

  • The devil provides his minions with corn subsidies
  • Makes devil juice under such mayoized names as "Coke" artificially low cost
  • Said devil juice fattens the denizens of the Great Satanic States, infusing them with soy and making their men grow titties

The white devil did this before to the Asiatic peoples with the poppy flower. The yellow pseudo-devils remembered: hence fentribution.

Stop pretending like you care about other people's health.

You're absolutely right. I explicitly dont care about fat peoples health. I want them to feel shame for their poor impulse control and disgusting, corpulent visage. At a certain point you dont deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin. Day of the Treadmill when?

Based and BASED

Exactly my point. Just say that.

Shut up Tiffany

Suck my dick faggot. Just call this girl a fat fuck. It’s more honest and you come off like less of a retarded life coach.

So, dramanauts, remember. Fatcels are all volcels unless proven otherwise by losing weight and still not being fat.

Also on a side note, if any of you are fatties you really do owe it to yourself to lose weight. Life is way better when you aren't fat or even overweight.

Also on a side note, if any of you are fatties you really do owe it to yourself to lose weight. Life is way better when you aren't fat or even overweight.

Agreed. However losing weight is incredibly hard. Like hardest thing Ive ever done hard.

Then dont lose weight, build muscle, you'll gain weight and will look good.

Ive lost 80 pounds twice. All im saying is becoming an engineer was a cakewalk in comparison.

Only because you were pressured into becoming an engineer.

Debt ain't gonna pay itself.

And nobody really has sense of being afraid of dying unless they're literally dying, and fatties die in an instant.

Only because you were pressured into becoming an engineer.

Debt ain't gonna pay itself.

Not really. I had everything paid for. If I had failed I couldve done something else. Or just lower my standard of living and coast on what im given.

Like hardest thing Ive ever done hard.

Have you just never had to struggle with anything before?

It is, typically because weight gains of more than 30 pounds usually have a psychological component to them.

If you stress eat, dieting is going to be immensley hard until you learn healthier ways of coping with stress

I feel you my dude, it was rough for me, too. Thing is, I went from being nerdy fatcel to a pretty decent looking guy who's in good shape (tip, when you're in a town filled with progressive dudes you really only need to be slightly muscular to be 'jacked' in comparison. Its like being the only ripe apple surrounded by the lowest hanging fruit).

That said, if you want any tips from me for losing weight I'm totally willing to chat, I've gotten pretty good at finding ways to limit calories, balance my nutrients, and enjoy what I eat and I try to do my best to stick to methods with some sort of scientific backing (although I'm far from an expert). Good luck either way!

Just don't put burger into ur whore mouth

50 bucks says she celebrated with a red velvet cake

and not just a piece btw

>Be Foid



Not with just a CC degree.

She actually looks decent (I mean face) and she'd look ok if she stopped trying to transition into a pig so there's some hope

graduates community college

Congratulations sweetie!