r/Honkler has been quarantined. /r/DisabledReddit has been banned.

100  2019-06-25 by Ghdust2

Discuss this dramatic happening here.

r/Apuworld has been bopped as well. 🤡


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. r/Honkler has been quarantined. /r/... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. r/DisabledReddit - archive.org, archive.today*

  3. r/Honkler COPE - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  4. r/TMOR - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  5. r/WatchRedditDie SEETHE. - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  6. r/Apuworld - archive.org, archive.today*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Admins if you're here /r/clownworldwar next.

What was disabledreddit?

The new frenworld I believe

For a while I thought that it was just a parody of frenworld calling frenworld posters mentally handicapped.

They got quarantined a while ago iirc

Another day, another rightoid seethefest

Honestly if your happiness and sense of justice depends on what happens on reddit you deserve to seethe. Pathetic.

Na. You deserve to die.

iknorite??? if your argument is so flimsy you have to resort to spastic yelling and calls for bans in order to win any arguments, I can't blame you for feeling pathetic

Where can I ask for glass the juice now?????

That's why it's not even noteworthy anymore. I'm still waiting for the day a lefty sub gets the boot and how reddit will suddenly care about censorship and start calling the admins nazis.

Lefty subs don’t do anything wrong

They can't meme

They can't meme

This coming from the creators of frenworld.

No one can meme.

Finally someone dares to speak the truth

Centrists can.

Centrists are actually in a meme deadzone. They can't meme x2

Some people can meme.



the day a lefty sub gets the boot and how reddit will suddenly care about censorship and start calling the admins nazis.

this happened like two years ago when /r/leftwithsharpedge got banned. the leftoids amazingly just got over it and moved on instead of perpetually whining about it like the rightoids who are mad that a subreddit where they talked like retarded toddlers got banned

lmao you obviously werent around when Fullcommunism got quarantined as a scapegoat. Suddenly the admins were fascist sympathizers.

lmao you obviously werent around when Fullcommunism got quarantined

you're talking about something that happened much more recently than what my comment was referencing. what kind of dumbass "no u newfag" shit is this lmao

Suddenly the admins were fascist sympathizers.

people have always accused the admins of being fascists - among both the left and right.

you obviously weren't around for the many years of people calling them fascists for literally everything

I called apuworld the day frenworld got bopped feelsgoodman.jpeg

i thought the creator of apuworld had banned far right posters?

this is kind of funny because he was actually a black guy lol

Idk I didnt follow it too closely, I just remember everyone bringing up that sub immediately after FW was banned so I knew it was on borrowed time

from what i saw he had banned the alt-right content, but people were skeptical about him because there was a screenshot of one of his frenworld posts that had the ((())) shit

i only know he's a british black guy because i had clicked on their discord link, and he has a video and pictures of himself in the announcements channel

He was either a false flag or a bored troll.

not really buying that, because the guy seems genuinely pissed off that his subreddit got banned. it's not like frenworld needed trolls to make actual far-right posts anyways.

he just seems like some guy who retarded enough to actually believe the subreddit he was posting in wasn't full of literal nazis for a long time

if you're trying to defend frenworld then you are a massive retard. i'm not even saying it should have been banned. it's was just obvious what the point of the subreddit was, and everybody claiming otherwise is either retarded or dishonest

Do you have any links to videos?


for some reason he really likes calling people 'rape victims'

Lmfao that's hilarious.

Looks like the right*rds are downvoting all the posts in this thread

They are not

Source: trust me

Lmao I remember spamming r/disabled Reddit with you, good memories.

Here's a retarded spampost I made on honkler: https://www.reddit.com/r/honkler/comments/c550c6/crunkler/


4 of you had to see this. The four of you do the world a fwavor and shumit smooicide. Seriously fuck off. Retards.

i swear people like this need drama to keep their blood pressure down

/r/DebateFascism has been banned.

Damn, they're really chopping their balls off.

Debatefascism was an excellent resource for learning what fascists think, speaking as somebody ideologically opposed to fascism. Shame it got caught in the collateral.

Where as if I want to learn how a commie thinks, I have to drill a hole in my skull. You're no better than the frog people, future helicopter ride recipient.

That's too bad, it was unironically the best of the DebateX subs

The mean one (r/DebateAltRight) is still up lol. Admins are not going in any particular order.

Yeah admins are gay as fuck. /r/Debatefascism was way more civil and uncontroversial than /r/debatealtright. And then there are the lefty subs that can get away with calls for murder for some reason.

No should take Chapo cuties call to violence seriously...unless your thinking along the lines of buffalo bill from Silence of the Lambs.

That seems stupid. Fascists are fucking idiots but at least that sub didn't seem to be filled with the stuff they usually ban for.

> we're just gonna make another!

Lmao, good. The bopping is funny. It's like whack-a-mole, a fun game enjoyed by people of all ages.

Lmao is right, all these cry babies with no place for their racist memes

It's hilarious watching honkies pretend to laugh at the world when it's actually eating them up inside and building up an inextinguishable rage.

That was the meme

I think people should be able to post whatever retarded shit they want to, in exchange they can be mercilessly harassed whenever they do. Bullying fixes bad behavior and should be encouraged not condemned. Temporarily silencing the sperging of dipshits only emboldens their delusions and they crop up elsewhere even worse than before. Just let the racists and woketards ravage each other, it is much better for Drama.

Exactly, is that too much to ask for?

100 percent agreed with unironically. They shouldn't ban any subs that aren't doing illegal stuff. The mods of the major subs need to be dealt with too. Reddit is way more of an echo chamber now than it even was before.

Mayos be seething rn

r/etarddit without the handsome moderator

Frenworld revival.

Clown getting cucks now they know how the jews feel

They were the jews all along.

Im not a clown :(

You mean ((( clown )))

r/Drama is next

Instant 5 minute allah

god i hope so

All these racists scum when they have nowhere else to go