Antifafrenworld: leftoid retardation imitates rightoid retardation
56 2019-06-25 by vtesterlwg
this shit is just awful
clever antfia member catches the subtle dogwhistle
the funny - albeit unintentional - part is the retarded rightoid green frogs acted retarded, then the fucking retarded leftoids start acting like retarded green frogs to own the rightoids.
this is just pathetic lol. d day for these people is feminine d sucking day
the whole sub's fuckin hilarious
1 SnapshillBot 2019-06-25
jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.
Antifafrenworld: leftoid retardatio... -,, -,, -,, -,,
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1 TheSomaCruz 2019-06-25
Say it with me: The Left can't meme.
1 unusefulidiot89 2019-06-25
It's because reddit can't meme for the most part. It has to do with the format. Chans are better for memes IMO. People don't upvote shit on them and they're not panning for internet points like reddit karma.
1 vtesterlwg 2019-06-25
the left still isnt ideal, and the better the memes (r/moretankiechapo) the closer you get to actually being a rightoid all along
1 aef823 2019-06-25
There's also the lack of linking images on the chains showing up
1 I_will_bum_your_mum 2019-06-25
Nah, the left can't meme anywhere, including Facebook, YouTube, etc. Facebook in particular has a massive cabal of left-wing groups and their memes are some of the worst I've ever seen.
1 ubermanwolf 2019-06-25
Leftoids: initiate slow crawl star wars exposition gif of a worldwide commune and rightoids are totally btfo
1 jaredschaffer27 2019-06-25
If you spent a solid few hours trying to make the worst, least funny left wing meme possible, it still wouldn't measure up to how terrible this is.
1 HeftyIntern 2019-06-25
Politics was a mistake.
1 heretobefriends 2019-06-25
Based and anarcho-monarchypilled.
1 JumbledFun 2019-06-25
Imagine copying that retarded shit...
1 i_Chapo-d_my_pants 2019-06-25
1 refugeeinaudacity 2019-06-25
Proof admins actively monitor r/drama.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder_ 2019-06-25
This sub is an unintentional snitch.
1 vtesterlwg 2019-06-25
this is the second delete in two days of something i posted an hour or two ago, chadfish yesterday
1 Quietus42 2019-06-25
You should post about TD then politics and get them both banned. Imagine the drama 🤩
1 refugeeinaudacity 2019-06-25
Can you imagine the COPE if the admins banned all political discussion? It would be lovely.
1 SledgeHog 2019-06-25
The Center for Overcoming Problem Eating?
1 EvenLimit 2019-06-25
Of course they do, they monitor all subs that don't submit to left wing ideology.
1 shitpersonality 2019-06-25
Spez is Karin
1 heretobefriends 2019-06-25
Damnit, did anyone save any?
1 i_Chapo-d_my_pants 2019-06-25
snappy got the 3 in the OP.
1 loli_esports 2019-06-25
1 vtesterlwg 2019-06-25
the SECOND SUB in two days that got banned within an hour or two of me posting it, after r/chadfish. COINCIDENCE?????
1 e-guy 2019-06-25
you are clearly the arbiter of sub ban status. The admins look to you for who they should take out back and shoot in the head.
Quick, post a link to Drama! Put us out of our misery, this half-life existence of agendaposts and no pinging is worse than death!
1 shhh_im_ban_evading 2019-06-25
Imagine letting retards get under tour skin so bad you also decide to become a retard just to pwn the retards.
1 contentedserf 2019-06-25
Looks like another frenworld sub got bopped
1 Frostfright 2019-06-25
looks like they got bopped