Extremely thirsty mods of e-thot prove that streaming was a mistake

66  2019-06-25 by Ultrashitposter


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She is so incredibly uncomfortable around them hahaha

Why even meet up with people that have a mental illness completely centered around the idea of being with you? Here's the reaction when a mod found out she was married.

So they keep sending her more money.

They are worse than the average Janie they pay to do it.

Nice, solid understanding of fake sluttery

Never meet your internet orbiters

e-thot's janitor orbiter must be truly on of the lowest lifeforms on the planet

Only a hair above Spainards

Jannies trannies and commies always looking EXACTLY how you would expect is Allah’s greatest gift to us

Here's another one

I felt sorry for him until he unironically said “I don’t care, I’m a mod”. Imagine being proud of paying an e-thot to be a janny.

Twitch is actually one of the saddest sites on the internet. It's one thing to enjoy watching someone play vidya, but some people are just so pitiful. I've seen people give thousands of dollars over the course of few months just to have a streamer read their name out loud and feel part of the community. It's the most depressing autism I've ever seen. They need help.

It's one thing to enjoy watching someone play vidya


Notice I didn't say it was a good thing.

Tbh, this is more pathetic than weebs and their wifus. At least they only buy a pillow once and they're done, I don't want to know what these guys have spent.

The e-thots aren't even the saddest part. At least they're trying to follow their instinct to get laid. I've seen people give tons to fairly unpopular streamers just to say their user name and """witty""" comment, so they can have some name recognition in a community. It's actually horrendously pitiful. I could never be a streamer because I couldn't accept that I was making money off of something so sad and pitiful. I couldn't accept the moral implications of it.

It's so awkward too. Like when the same guy keeps donating and the streamer has to keep going "wow thank you ____ for another $10," spend a minute lazily replying to whatever autism the donater said and then go back to what they were streaming literally makes me feel uncomfortable

The worst is when it happens literally every stream. I used to watch a stream where one person would gift like 50 subscriptions every stream. That's $250 everyday, 4 days a week. Even if you have money to blow that's such a depressing way to spend it. Sadly many of these people probably don't have that much money to throw away and still spend shit tons on streamers.

At least pillows are comfortable

This should be a Snappy quote for unironic reasons.

I may add it to bussy.

I watch twitch for the political debates - Destiny and Hasan - and also for the drama related to the community. I paid some dollars just to have fun, I don't understand why is that sad since youtube also has a superchat function. I don't even like watching people playing videogames, only if they're speedrunners.


why is that depressing? Fuck off.

If you knew how to read, you would have seen that the depressing part is people giving a shit ton of money so people know their name. Anything more than twitch prime is dumb, but not super mega depressing.

I watch twitch for the political debates - Destiny and Hasan

LMAO You care about this type of person.

What's not to love about Destiny buddy?

I've never watched him but I'm sure he's retarded. All the internet political commentators are. The big issue is with their throngs of smooth brain fans who get all their opinions from their internet daddy and can't think for themselves. It's the same as people who watch people like contrapoints or their right wing equivalents.

You know Destiny thinks for himself and has solid opinions when his entire subreddit hates him for not being leftist enough. If he annoys the chapo losers while BTFOing the alt righters, he's doing something right.

Watch his debate with Jesse Lee Peterson, shit is hilarious.

Oh I'm sure your internet daddy is special.

If this is unironic kill yourself

Its like buying an internet friend for a short lil hit of social interaction

Did they not for once think, "I should atleast try and look good "??


Sometimes I feel like I'm pathetic because I don't take a bath if Im not going out and I see this I feel better.

It’s what’s inside that counts.

There's a very real chance they haven't seen a picture/video of themselves in years. Like they know what they look like in front of the mirror, but that's it.

"I'm meeting my favorite e-thot of all time. Probably should go with scraggly beard and Barcelona jersey. You still got it, Travis!"

It's because the ethot loves me for who I AM. I don't need to put in effort to look like what society calls attractive, she knows me on the INSIDE from all those funny comments I made with my Twitch donations and all that hard work I put in banning meanies. I want her to see the REAL me

glitter on shit doesn't make it look good.

That being said I can smell the axe body spray on those two desperate morons even through the internet.

I mean just getting a haircut and shaving so you look like a somewhat normal person

That dudes missing half his teeth or I need to adjust my glasses

Jesus Christ these people don't ev4n practice proper hygiene.

You think mods really have time to wash their ass when they're too busy reading chat to ban someone who calls them a nigger in an instant?

Those bolted on plastic bubbles don't shake very easily.

Reddit is always the first to call out fake tits in a disparaging way yet you know any and all of them would fuck that foid in a heart beat.

Yeah, don't get me wrong I think she's a shitty person who exploits mentally ill men for money and half her attractive features are from silicone. That said, doesn't mean I wouldn't try to see what it feels like to be inside a silicone butthole if given the chance

That makes her even hotter

If I had the opportunity to exploit mentally ill people for money I would definitely do it tbh

Caring about fake tits is probably the gayest thing ever, who actually gives a shit if they’re real.

I guess men who're under 18 care because that's most of Reddit, even though when you get older you start to not care about dumb shit like that

I think it’s just a way for Reddit to act if they are morally superior and a woman in a natural state is 100% better. Even with saggy pancake tits.

shes qt. I wonder what pays more, ethot or instagram influencer. Probably ethot

I can’t be the only who thinks this girl isn’t attractive at all

Really big fake tits tho



Might be MtF according to some rumors

Someone fill me in. What's this?

It's everything wrong with the world

Do you think Patton had visions of the future and that's why he crashed the Jeep?

He already had regrets before WW2 was even officially over

Stealing this for later. Thx

Only allowed to use it if you post this under it:



I love how in the video when she says “let’s go to a club”, the dude on the left tried to bring her down to those autists level by saying “because this is clearly a clubbing group we’ve got right now”.