"This might be the first time I am genuinely upset about something that happened on the Internet."

14  2019-06-25 by BriefSquirt


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Debate fascism wasn't for debating fascists. It was a literal fascist sub and nazis ran rampant in the comments.

I know this because I went there thinking it was a sub for debating fascists and they refused to actually respond to any of my arguments, any of the sources, and like standard internet fascists would just argue in bad faith.

Like the holocaust deniers that show up and claim they aren't holocaust deniers while talking about how "typhus totally killed those jews, not the nazis."

> sub is called debate fascism


> nazis run rampant in the comments


> nazis cant argue their positions when challenged


> leftoid using the phrase "bad faith" unironically

imaginemyshock.jpeg * 4

Yeah, the idea fascists debate or have any relationship to the truth is a bit of a fallacy, but that sub took the cake/

\>taking pizza at his word

Knowing he got unironically out sperged by actual fascists is amazing

I'm a kaczyksi rightoid and debatefasxism was retarded but fun

I guarantee you got fucking schooled. You are he epitome of a faux intellectual and as fucking gay as those Nazis are some of those spergs know their shit.

It’s like you with your fucking autistic holocaust comment. You are so used to saying whatever faggy safe comment you can that you can’t even acknowledge objective truths. Just because a nazi says water is wet doesn’t mean they are wrong.

Lol, show me a single argument I have ever lost to a nazi.

Hint: world war 2 history/fascism are an area of mine, something I am well versed in.

What objective truth you moron, let's go. You want to have this argument you sperg? I'll gladly bend you the fuck over just like those other clowns.

Tell me about typhus daddy

That's exactly what I fucking thought.

No i mean it. Do you not think the US would of had tens of thousands of dead if our infrastructure was bombed to oblivion while holding people in interment camps?

And what I am telling you is that you a moron, repeating holocaust denier talking points.

You realize the mass deaths started well before Germany was being "bombed to oblivion" correct?

You realize they deliberately moved people into ghettos, for example, as part of a plan to kill Jews off via starvation/disease, correct?

For example, Richard Evans writes in the 3rd reich trilogy:

On 16 July 1941, speaking to Göring, Lammers, Rosenberg and Keitel, Hitler declared that it was necessary ‘to shoot dead anyone who even looks askance’ in order to pacify the occupied areas:35 ‘All necessary measures - shooting, deportation etc. - we will do anyway . . . The Russians have now given out the order for a partisan war behind our front. This partisan war again has its advantage: it gives us the possibility of exterminating anything opposing us.’ Foremost amongst those opponents of course, in Hitler’s mind, were the Jews, and not just in Russia but also in the rest of Europe, indeed the rest of the world. The following day he issued two new decrees on the administration of the newly conquered territories in the east, giving Himmler complete control over ‘security measures’ including, it went without saying, the removal of the threat of ‘Jewish-Bolshevik subversion’. Himmler understood this to mean clearing all the Jews from these areas by a mixture of shooting and ghettoization. From his point of view, this would pave the way for the further implementation of his ambitious plans for the racial reordering of Eastern Europe, as well, of course, as vastly increasing his own power in relation to that of the nominally responsible administrative head of the region, Alfred Rosenberg. He ordered two SS cavalry brigades to the region, numbering nearly 13,000 men, on 19 and 22 July 1941 respectively.

And more:

On 21 September 1939 Heydrich had laid down the general principle that each ghetto was to be run by a council of senior Jewish figures, headed by an Elder. They were to be treated as hostages to ensure they prevented any kind of unrest or rebellion in the ghetto; they were to create a Jewish police force to keep order; they were responsible for community life; they had to draw up lists of the inhabitants; they had to arrange the distribution of supplies; and above all they had to carry out the orders of the German administration.185 As Elder of the L’d’ ghetto the Germans chose Chaim Rumkowski, a man who after a series of business failures had ended up as chief administrator of the Jewish orphanages in the city. Now in his seventies, Rumkowski certainly looked the part: white-haired, fit, energetic, with a face and expression that contemporaries often described as noble, majestic or even regal; he quickly took command, becoming in effect the ghetto’s dictator. He printed a special currency for exclusive use in the ghetto, he created a system of canteens, nursery schools and social services, and he bargained with the German administration to allow productive work in the ghetto. This involved the import of raw materials for processing, the providing of unskilled Jewish labour for construction work outside and the earning of income that would purchase essential supplies of food and other goods and so allow the ghetto’s population to survive. By October 1940 he had largely succeeded, in collaboration with the pragmatic German mayor of L’d’ and his ghetto manager, a businessman from Bremen, who wanted to reduce the burden on the public purse of sustaining the Jews, 70 per cent of whom had no other means of feeding themselves. Overcoming opposition within the German administration that saw the ghetto mainly as a means of reducing the Jewish population by a process of attrition, they succeeded in introducing industries and workshops into the ghetto and making it into an element of the German war economy.186 But power also went to Rumkowski’s head. He went round the ghetto surrounded by a retinue of bodyguards, on one occasion throwing sweets to the watching crowds. Making himself indispensable to the Germans as long as the ghetto lasted, he attracted widespread criticism, even hatred, from the Jewish community; yet on the other hand, he could with some plausibility present himself as essential to its survival.1

Do not come at me you uneducated piece of shit. You have no idea what you are talking about.


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So quick question. Why didn’t they just line them up and shoot them all. Would disease and scarcity not affect other nations? What are your thoughts on the Madagascar plan? Why are you quoting historical accounts that prove my point?

Pizza. You ok man?

So quick question. Why didn’t they just line them up and shoot them all.

They fucking did you moron. They were shooting them by the thousands. There were numerous massacres.

If it was not possible to drive Jewish women into the Pripet marshes, then, SS officers concluded, they too had to be shot. Already in the first half of August, Arthur Nebe, the commander of Task Force B, which operated in Bach-Zelewski’s area, ordered his troops to start shooting women and children as well as men. Further south, Himmler’s other SS brigade, under the command of Friedrich Jeckeln, began the systematic shooting of the entire Jewish population, killing 23,600 men, women and children in Kamenetsk-Podolsk in three days at the end of August 1941. On 29 and 30 September 1941, Jeckeln’s men, assisted by Ukrainian police units, took a large number of Jews out of Kiev, where they had been told to assemble for resettlement, to the ravine of Babi Yar, where they were made to undress. As Kurt Werner, a member of the unit ordered to carry out the killings, later testified:

The Jews had to lie face down on the earth by the ravine walls. There were three groups of marksmen down at the bottom of the ravine, each made up of about twelve men. Groups of Jews were sent down to each of these execution squads simultaneously. Each successive group of Jews had to lie down on top of the bodies of those that had already been shot. The marksmen stood behind the Jews and killed them with a shot in the neck. I still recall today the complete terror of the Jews when they first caught sight of the bodies as they reached the top edge of the ravine. Many Jews cried out in terror. It’s almost impossible to imagine what nerves of steel it took to carry out that dirty work down there. It was horrible . . . I had to spend the whole morning down in the ravine. For some of the time I had to shoot continuously.

They were carrying out genocides and mass murders across the board, some via disease in the ghettos, some via mass shootings, some via gas.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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So why did they spend all the funds and resources on sanitation? It doesn’t seem logical if the things like typhus were a feature, not a bug, to import tons of counter measures.

I mean it’s probably pretty obvious in the linked account that the Ukrainians were just obviously takin justifiable recourse to the Jewish extermination of their family members after suffering arguably a much worse date.

So why did they spend all the funds and resources on sanitation? It doesn’t seem logical if the things like typhus were a feature, not a bug, to import tons of counter measures.

They didn't really do shit about it. Because again, it was a feature. The entire point of the ghetto was attrition. When that wasn't fast enough they took it to the next level.

Even worse, is often they would write down the cause of death as typhus for people they had murdered:

Deaths in forced labour camps were common, and conditions were terrible. Everywhere, prisoners who were too weak or too ill to work were killed by shooting or, in some cases, gassing. Unlike the other camps, the Auschwitz complex continued to the end to serve the dual function of labour and extermination camp, and mass gassing facilities elsewhere only found relatively restricted use in comparison, as at Sachsenhausen or Mauthausen. However, SS camp doctors in general were given instructions to kill inmates who were too ill or too weak to work, by giving them lethal injections of phenol. The cause of death in such cases was given as typhus or some similar ailment.131 On 16 December 1942 the deputy commandant of Auschwitz, Hans Aumeier, was recorded as telling the SS officer in charge of deportations from Zamość:

Only able-bodied Poles should be sent in order to avoid as far as possible any useless burden on the camp and the transport system. Mentally deficient persons, idiots, cripples, and the sick must be removed as quickly as possible by liquidation so as to lighten the load on the camp. Appropriate action is, however, complicated by the instruction of the Reich Security Head Office that, unlike Jews, Poles must die a natural death.


I mean it’s probably pretty obvious in the linked account that the Ukrainians were just obviously takin justifiable recourse to the Jewish extermination of their family members after suffering arguably a much worse date.

Get the fuck out of here, retard.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Wow. Not only do u deny the holodomor but also deny the use of a extremely potent de-lousing agent.

You are fucking disgusting. What’s next? Destroying monuments to the Katyn massacre? Making questioning the narrative illegal?

Im going to force you onto one of those nazi masturbation death machines if you keep this up, you naughty boy.

Alright, we're done here. I'm confident everyone will see you for what you are and read sources provided.

Once again, you dismiss those who don’t have power. Tell me, what % of the Fortune 500 are Ukrainian Americans? How many are dual citizens with Ukraine?

You are as ugly inside as you are outside pizza. And at this point I’m forced to concede your hate and erasure for these victims of genocide is ancestral.

Nobody cares what you have to say, bad faith internet nazi.

You have been beyond owned. Love u fatty

You are completely delusional. Repeating historical illiteracy and getting slapped down does not mean you "owned" something.

You are a profoundly ignorant moron.

So once again. You have no response

There's nothing to respond to, I provided academic sources explaining why you're wrong.

I didn't argue with you to change your mind, it was for everyone else. As an internet nazi you don't live in the same reality normal people do.

You have no interest in the truth, facts, or anything even close to those things.

You're basically an inanimate object, I simply provided the sources so everyone else could see them, what you believe or think is not relevant to me.

So quoting a holocaust survivor is now falsehood? You are fucking disgusting

Again, your bad faith argument attempts do not work on me, nothing you say is relevant to me.

I hate what u did to these victims. Fuck u pizza u monster

Look at the wolf,” said Mikhail suddenly. The wolf was standing at the cave entrance, looking at us and making small noises. “Okay, farm boy, what now?”

I laughed, “I think he wants us to go with him. Maybe he wants us out of his cave.”

“Let’s follow him and see what happens,” suggested Erhardt.

We followed that wolf to a small stream where we drank. The water was fresh and pure, being one of the numerous streams that form in the mountains from melting snow and run in rivulets down to the valley. Unspoiled by human interference there is no purer water in the entire world. We put our faces in the stream, feeling the cold refreshing water washing away all the dirt and pain of the last few years.

I watched it all as though from afar, could see myself drinking at that stream, laughing with Erhardt and Mikhail, and all the while the wolf sat silently and patiently beside us. I saw his eyes, deep and dark and vanished into them once more.

Holstein, Erhardt and Mikhail then go back to the cave and the wolf pack. They sleep and then awaken to find the wolves gone.

Holstein is recaptured and subjected to Masturbation Machines

In Stolen Soul Holstein talks about how Nazi doctors attempted to prove Aryan superiority by collecting Jewish semen with masturbating machines that often killed their subjects.

Quote…(page 117)

But we never gave in, not really; there was that one time just before liberation but other than that we were strong. We would see the boys they put on those masturbating machines just drop, just die, right there in front of us. The absolute cruelty was beyond our belief.

That they could do these things to us, that human beings were doing it to other human beings… and we would hobble back to camp with painfully swollen scrotums whimpering: “Don’t bump me! Please, just don’t touch me!”

You are fucking disgusting for ignoring what happened to these people

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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But pizza is my favorite!!