Infamous fat fuck/sad sack Boogie takes the opportunity to frantically attention whore in the wake of someone else's death. Slapfights in literally every tweet chain.

108  2019-06-25 by dramasexual


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Infamous fat fuck/sad sack Boogie t... -,

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Fucking kek this comment

Haberdasher is an interesting fella 🐄 he runs that whole sub obsessively, it has decent drama

Mod him already

he's juden smh. for real though haderdaddy is a gud boi but he has weird takes sometimes

Nice death threat

Implying mods here dont have weird takes

that dude’s a weirdo. fuck that gay ass faggot

he’s an obsessive loser lol

Boogie is a fat annoying fuck but at least he didn't kys himself.

His eating habits are doing that for him

Or my drinking habits haha #lmao gottem

He is every day, look at the pictures of himself he's posted on Twitter. What the fuck is going on with all the different color shades on his face

He's already done that to his social life. If he wasn't a funny (debatable) internet man, he'd be dead right now. For sure.

Fat fuck wants to devour this drama cake

Lol like anyone should take mental health advice from attention whores with cluster b personality disorders.

Could have sworn he died.

Nope, just got some teeth grown in the uncanny valley

Day of the triple bypass when?

Boogie1488's continued existence is concrete proof that there is no God.

We cant mourn a loss of a beloved streamer for one day without fat cunt cashing in

Holy fuck, he retweetted this thing.