good vidya to play?

11  2019-06-25 by Slump_o

Everything’s so boring, fuck


no such thing

go outside

Don't live in a boring fuck all town, lmao. Make friends. Go outside.

if only you knew.

New crash bandicoot racing remake is pretty fun. Has online ranked matchmaking too

I was gonna come here and half-heartedly plug this too lol

I used to think I was the best in the entire world at the PS1 version...

Let's just say it's taking me a little while to feel as confident in this one, but I'm getting there.

mildly janky port tho, imo. missiles and bowling balls behave weird, feels like I get caught on corners that I never did in the original... thing could use some patches

linking this for ya, can't see patch notes anywhere in the game on ps4

Learn and practice how to play a musical instrument, or a new one if you don't already know one.

Learn and practice how to play a sport, or a new one if you don't already know how to do one.

Learn and practice a new language that you don't know.

Learn and practice a some sort of dance.

All of these things you can do with very little financial means, if you already have the internet then you can watch videos and read guides to how to learn something useful.

Shit is boring yo.

Plus Mayo's and Pajeets can't dance.

Mayo's and Pajeets can't dance.

Is that so?

Is it really?

I'm not sure that what you are saying is true, and I'll need sources.

They can't dance in the basket ball American fashion.

Oh, I didn't realize that twerking was a dance, sorry.



Plus learning an instrument is a fucking waste of time, you'll never gain satisfaction from it and make it big or some shit.

Flamenco guitar, mandolin, trumpet I have learned all of those and can play them decently. Don't learn a skill or take up a hobby because you think it will make you some one different overnight, do it because you enjoy it.

that sounds like good advice. It’s tempting to think you’ll be the _____ guy.

Oh I am, you wanna hear how I fucked up my tinder date the other night?

sure, let’s see how r drama chads get grils.

Dude it was funny as fuck, but short Asian women prefer a mayo that is 6'3” LMFAO am I opressing you?


What do you want to know?

are you calling me asian i don’t understand

minecraft. r/civclassics, it's political backstabbing and power games simulator in minecraft. people actually nolife it and get really mad when you break their legos

or dont waste ur time on the fucking retarded internet, go farm or make a garden or something

Classic WoW.


I unironically implemented the most stringent and arduous work out plan and diet I have done since college just so it takes longer for me to become obese after launch.

I thought about picking it up but it's a black hole that just sucks you in and doesn't let go. Wasted a lot of time on that game.

Here's hoping you don't go boogie1488 with it.

We have 37 people playing lol. We all know we can’t even attempt to compete the way we used to(hell im like one of 5 of us without a fucking kid) but it will be a good excuse to stay out of the bar on weekends.

With the zoomers and all the over the top NEETs we already know we can’t be a top 50 guild again and are just going to casual it up

Yeah I've had a few people message me asking if I'd play again but they wanna go hard and I'm just not up for it again. I don't think I can stomach playing casually with shitty lfg groups either so I'm just gonna skip it.



Those were some good times.

If I didn’t have enough guys already that I know we will be able to 1 shot pretty much everything that’s not a gear check I wouldn’t bother.

I was reminiscing on classic, cleared most of naxx, every server first after magmadar, hit rank 13, 2 level 60 alts, etc etc

I was like how the fuck did I manage to do this, have a girlfriend, play 2 spots and graduate with a A- average

I was like oh public school is a fucking joke I’m a adult now. I’m with you in the sense that I don’t know what it’s like to not be one of the most geared/competitive players when I see them it may ruin it for me


If ur going to be good I will. Message me and try not to be super thirsty for ur guildies

i aint thirsty 4 anything

You've got me nostalgic as fuck over here. Torn between bragging about my "accomplishments" and hiding them in nerd shame. Considering the sub though I'm sticking with option 2.

Try having better genes next time shitlord.

laughs in Greek god

EverQuest classic if you're a boomer. Real game that let's you walk uphill both ways.

Leisure Suit Larry

Bioshock 1

The story of BioShock I is so good.

system shock 1

Remastered, get the bundle with infinite, cheap

what type of games are you into?

i have spent <100 bucks on games in the past 3 years. I play overwatch and some free trash from steam. The only game i’ve ever had fun playing was pokémon on the ds when i was 10

Alright, I played this game called Katana Zero a few weeks ago, short game but pretty fun hack n slash with a Hotline Miami feel. Other suggestions would be: Dead Cells, Furi, Mark of the Ninja, Ori and the Blind Forest, Stardew Valley, Subnautica, Crypt of the Necro Dancer, the Dark Souls series, the Assassin's Creed series, Hyper Light Drifter, Hollow Knight, Binding of Isaac, Salt and Sanctuary, Terraria, Deus Ex (both original and the new ones), Metal Gear series and Metal Gear Rising, DMC series, Bayoneta, Fallout series (1 and 2 included fuck 76), STALKER games, Witcher series, Trine series, Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2 if you're into Baldur's Gate type of games, Divinity: Original Sin, Total War series, Paradox games like Crusader Kings 2, Europa Universalis IV and Stellaris etc., Far Cry series etc.

Hope this helps give you a few ideas of games to play, tried to pick from all genres. I put them in bold for better readability.

Remember to go outside and socialize too buddy. Games are fun and all but shit can be addictive.

Thanks for the nice comment. I don’t socialize much but it’s not because i’m addicted to games. I have stuff to do online/ study over the summer for college and stuff. It shouldn’t take long but since there’s fuck all I can do otherwise my will to finish it quickly is non existent. I end up doing it but ittl take all day.

Vidya isn’t distracting because i’ll play for 20 minutes and it’ll get so boring that I’d rather just sleep. Then i’ll play on and once i lose that will become “boring” too. Time just flies by and bam, it 5 pm and parents are getting home so I say I went out while they were gone.

I don’t know why i’m asking really. I guess because I remember having fun with games when I was younger.

Its called being an adult retard it happens to literally everyone except chapotards get a new hobby.

It’s hard to imagine what to do because my life has been organized around a a reward structure of video games for so long.

I get up early on the weekend to play them because I always have. I don’t really like playing them but i’m used to doing it so I continue.

Chin up buddy try and have a different approach to video games though. If they're not fun just take a break every now and then and try not to feel "forced" to play them. Don't know if you have a workout regime but if you don't I really advise you to. Be it gym sessions or jogging it's great for your body and mental health and can help one from getting sucked into the mundane and stressing shit from life. Socialization is great but don't feel like you're forced into doing that either, it's all about striking a good balance. Work on and improve yourself and socialization will come naturally.

I used to work out to impress girls in middle school. I did it so much I could do this but I stopped after realizing it doesn’t matter if you’re strong if you’re autistic and can’t hold a conversation for a minute.

Thanks for the advice, I’m pretty reflective and self aware so I think about this stuff sometimes but it’s tough to put into action.

Well that's depressing

I'll be honest, that sounds depressing. We can make game suggestions all day, but if you're not already be sure to get out for a walk or something at least 20 minutes per day. I've found even that bit can help in a slump.

Crusader Kings II

Quake. Download quake 1.5, a mod which modernizes it sightly.

Tried the game for the first time recently and enjoyed it a lot, worth a visit.

Vampire the masquerade was pretty good shit when I played it 5 years ago

7 Days to Die is pretty fun. It's basically better graphics Minecraft with zombies and guns and stuff.

Rimworld 🎮

Old school runescape (free), rimworld, if you’re on current gen consoles darksouls, red dead redemption, call of duty is always consistently decent

Judging by your comment history, レイプレイ is a solid choice.

imagine going through someone’s history to reheat and swallow day old bait

Shut up retard, I'm trying to suggest what's best for you, not what I enjoy.

you enjoy getting mad. Spend more time in my profile, pussy.

Imagine being this oblivious.

imagine imagining things

I don't need to imagine, I'm seeing your brain damage develop live.

Your egg sized brain must be working overtime acting this undeservedly smug.

With every reply (I'm basically hinting at something, hoping that your mental illness will let you free for a bit and you will realize something), it's more and more deserved than ever but ok.

you want me to pick up on signals? If I could do that I probably wouldn’t be asking for videogame recs on r drama

I know that you're dumb you don't need to tell me

didn’t realize this was an 8hr old anime alt. this has been gay cya

What a hypocrite.

Complains about someone checking like 3 comments they made, then checks my comment history...

Respect my privacy, sweaty

expecting anything of me is ableist, i have schizophrenia and tay-sachs
