Abby Martin on Joe Rogan, comments already a salt mine

13  2019-06-26 by unrulyfarmhand


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  1. Abby Martin on Joe Rogan, comments ... -,,

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Journalist who supports assad, putin, maduro, hates israel. The people who hang out on the rogan sub get pretty triggered by any of those stances.

If she hated mayos she'd be literally me

She probably hates most of us.

Really dumb broad with a huge hate boner for Israel.

One of the rare trannies born biofem.

Her gussy is real and it's spectacular.

I will unironically enjoy watching this.

I don't dislike Abby Martin but I find it just a little suspicious how she's funded by Maduro's government

currently at 57 upvotes and 274 comments.